What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Man?

In two words we can sum up the attributes of manifested evil in three of the most influential people in the United States of America.  Of course, there are more powerful evil people in the country, like George Soros, who is the real power supporting Obama’s ideologies.  However, I did not sit down to write about the evil of George Soros, I did sit down to just call attention to the Trilogy, and why is it that we, (Conservative Citizens) are afraid to call evil for what it is; EVIL?
Actually evil would be best summed as evil relates to the individual’s moral standards.  Think about it, it does not necessarily depend on ones relationship to Christ, most religions and Atheists recognize, (to some degree), evil and the antonym good.  What it does relate to and is part of is the character of the individual in relationship ethical conduct and moral standards of their character.  That is as weak as I can make the impact of the word, especially concerning the moral nature of the individual or group. 

The heathen group identified as Atheist will perhaps argue against the use of “moral” standards as being mythological religious standards originating in the “God” view of ethical standards, mostly propagated by hopelessly deranged minds, which believe in the mythical God.  Nonetheless, I will not fear any adverse argument about my ideas concerning what evil is, or what evil is not; we have nothing to fear except fear itself; as a matter of fact the more Atheists and Liberals that attack me from time to time, means I am doing something right.

Congress on the other hand, must fear the name calling, and public ridicule more than life itself, otherwise we would have more conservatives doing what Ted Cruz, Lee, Rand, Vitter, Rubio, and a handful of other conservatives are doing, standing toe to toe with evil and refusing to be bullied into not actually representing their constituency!  They, willing to be mocked and scorned by their fellow Republicans who just go along with the establishment, like McCain who never was a real conservative but was a rhino before the name was ever hung out.
Rubio got off to a bad start with conservatives and some constituents because some did not like his joining up with the gang of eight.  He authored a bill they did not have the guts to do themselves; but wanted to look good to their constituents.  Rubio campaigned on killing Obamacare, and Immigration Reform, too bad for him he was suckered into authoring a bill that included amnesty, instead of a sound piece of legislation, which would have most likely contained some sort of limited amnesty.  At any rate, he did take advantage of some redemptive activity, and joined in the open defiance of Obamacare, and accepting the fallout.  For that, I will give him some credit.  Nevertheless, dropping border security first, for any amnesty will take a bit more forgiveness on my part.

Now with that said I support the handful of conservatives who knew it might mean their political careers, looked the evil trilogy in the eyes, and brought full attention on some of the evil unfairness of a socialist piece of legislation.  let alone the evil that is being thrust onto the backs of hard working middle-class citizens so the government can move us closer to a socialist regime; providing for ruthlessly manufactured “give me” culture of poverty, who could but will not work like the rest of us, so they can get insurance with a government subsidy.

One last thing of interest, which was disclosed as people tried to register.  The “Navigators” who are supposed to help people choose a plan and register, are tied into voter fraud, with the organizations like ACORN, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, and other liberal groups, and in California a Communist Group promoting young communists.  This latest sleaze is in need of verification; nevertheless, nothing would surprise me with this administration’s “fundamental change” agenda. 

Thanks to the real patriotic conservative politicians who stood up to the Evil Trilogy.  Thanks.

R.S. Helms


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