Jesus wrote on the ground

Jesus Wrote on the Ground

The Supreme Court decided public prayer at a public meeting was constitutional.  That is a great decision on their part; however, it has some of the anti Christians, anti God people hopping mad.  There have been many posts and comments from both sides of the argument, many yeas, and some nay.  Bear in mind however, that both liberal and progressive bureaucrats have had their negative comments.  For me, I am rejoicing in the Lord over the victory, they would not get so “red-faced” if it did not hit home. 

After reading a cartoon posted in the TownHall conservative webzine, I commented about something about how prayer in public reveals the sin of those listening.  That reminded me of a sermon I once wrote and delivered, “Jesus started to write on the ground”, it comes from the book of John 8th chapter and verses 3 —11.
Couple of points, concerning SIN our sin and how God always points it out  for the Christian it is by convicting, wrought of the Holy Spirit, and for the heathen, it may be through the conscience, providing they understand right from wrong, and what their value of right and wrong dictate to their conscience. 

The Supreme Court found that public prayer prior to a public meeting is not unconstitutional that seems like a small victory for the Christian but it is a victory nonetheless.  Whenever we yield to the presence of God, it will convict us of our sin.  When the person who may be among those conducting a public meeting, who wants to invoke God’s blessing and peace on a meeting, all who attend the meeting must examine their own hearts, even though it may be through their hatred.  Perhaps it may be that God can use that very hatred or denial to cause the heathen to ask, “Why do I deny God?”  Why, at just the mention of His name or the sight of a symbol am I so offended? 

Please keep in mind, what may seem like a victory for the religious freedom activist, may just be the reason for the adversaries of Jesus to cause problems and disrupt, bully, or try to intimidate good people. 

You see, as I once preached, the scribes and Pharisees wanted to test Jesus on the Law of Moses, and Jesus stooped down and started to write something, as if he was not hearing them, they persisted and pressed their point on judgment and condemnation.  However, He got their attention when he said that the one who is without sin throw the first stone, (my paraphrase), then stooped down, and started to write again.  Their focus was drawn to the ground, and to their shame, Jesus exposed them.  It is my studied opinion, that Jesus was writing each of their names and the sin they were holding; shamed they must have dropped their stones and went away, older men first, and then the younger. 

Point is God knows your sin, if you want to believe in Him or if you choose not to believe in Him; and I guarantee he will uncover your sin, He is the only one who can condemn you, and He already has, so if I point out someone’s SIN I am not judging or condemning, just writing in the dirt, observing the product of someone’s moral values, (inspecting the fruit).  Am I hypocritical?  Yes, because I am a sinner saved by grace, do I sin in thought and deed?  Again, yes and I will always until the day I die and then I will be able to say, “I can sin no more, because I have been made complete in His image, and there will be nothing to tempt me to sin.  Meanwhile, Jesus will keep writing in the dirt, exposing my sin to me as well as to a heathen, because He loves me as well the heathen. 

In conclusion, when we come to a meeting that prays before it starts, I thank God he is involved, and when a group of people come together friend and foe, prayer brings us into the presence of God in a way that Jesus stoops down and writes in the dirt, reminding us that he knows our hearts, and will expose it’s darkness.  Perhaps that is why Washington Bureaucrats don’t like to start off their meetings with prayer, oh they used to start sessions daily with the Chaplain offering prayer, but not so much the meetings and hearings, so they just continue to feed their own interest with lies, false promises, manipulation, bullying, and just plain stupid compromise to get what they want; it is both parties, and from what I see only a few brave souls have stood for what is the actual best for the nation.  God bless them. 

I wish that before hearing each case, and when then close for deliberation, there would be public prayer at the Supreme Court; I know that they (most of them) will not spend any time in prayer in their private deliberations. 

No one has ever escaped God’s judgment and condemnation without watching Jesus stoop and write in the dirt; it is what we do when he does, do we walk away, or do we turn our wicked ways over to Him?

No one wants to see Jesus stoop down to write in the dirt.


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