Liberal Corruption Runs Deep and Wide

Liberal Corruption Runs Deep and Wide.

I am sure you have noticed the condition of our once Great Nation, the Christian church, and the World we live in… that is unless you live somewhere that is so far off the grid that your neighbors live in caves, and wear bones in their noses. The world, (in most part), has become a dumbed down flock of sheep who are following yippy—skippy after a world order pied piper, which we so fondly call the UN. The world is in a mess and has been for centuries, so I would like to stay a bit closer to home than the whole world.

For nearly forty years’ liberalism has been rolling downhill like a snowball on its way to utopia; gathering up everything good and forming it into the well packed icy-cold huge snowball to hell, not utopia, like the corrupt politicians keep playing on their lyres and tin flutes the sweet music of deception. People in our nation have been brought under an evil delusion of liberalism.

There are few politicians that have left more of a positive legacy for the USA than what become more and more a negative. Simply because “We The People” have allowed ourselves to be lured into the throng of once God believing, God fearing, people who lived our lives under the conviction of our hearts and the commitment to our values, character, and integrity which has almost vanished now. It has been a slow process to transform the minds and will of a multitude of Americans to join in the now overwhelming throng of people, who find it easy to follow yippy-skippy after vile and evil people down that broad road leading to destruction.

However, none have been so calculated and evil as our president Obama and his administration, joined by the RINO establishment liberal Republicans who are nothing more than pawns in the hands of globalism. I do not recall a time when such vile and evil ideologies have hurt the United States as has this Obama administration. He and his anti-American, anti-Christian agenda has been calculated and disguised as inapt, and stupid – none of which, are in the least bit true, he is smart, or so it should appear.

But then maybe I am giving too much credit to a narcissistic wan-a-be ruler than the world has yet seen, his narcissistic delusion is too impatient to be smart, and shown him to be too dumb to carry out the will of his master George Soros, (it has magnified his costs by billions of dollars – my opinion,). Nonetheless, this piece of buzzard vomit who tried to interfere in the Israeli (Netanyahu) Election, and the Brexit vote in England – with his people on the ground and millions if not billions of tax-payer money,- had better think twice about getting on Trump, or even Putin, but better look in his mirror and maybe think about leaving the United States, before he and Hillary, the Bushes, McConnell, McCain, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, and over a hundred members of congress including Rubio, get hammered under the RICO Act for Treason. (wishful thinking on my part).

There is room for repentance yes, however consider the word repentance, that means a sincere – heart and head – decision to change direction, and go in the opposite – doing your level best to change your mind and heart 180 degrees! If that is not in place there is no forgiveness, and so far, all I have seen is more lies and more lies with nothing to prosecute a case. All mouth for the unethical lying media! (That’s how they make their money… including Fox News anchors). This nation is in the septic pool of vile slime wrought on by liberal Marxist politicians pandering to the so-called impoverished citizens with promises on promises and not delivering.

The Civil Liberties Act is an unnecessary piece of liberal garbage; why? because it is written for the liberal agenda, and the tail wag the dog sort of crap that has been going on since the Kennedy Brothers. It is not just with the Democrats, but with establishment RINOs who have been trying since Reagan to take over the Republican Party, with their new definition of Conservative. It is more than uncomprehensive, how our elected officials go lazy and brain-dead when they get elected to office.

The Liberals and RINOs have bloated the bureaucracy of local state and federal governments, going global while this nation has been moving backwards, borrowing money from China, Russia, Japan, and God knows who else to send to countries who want to kill us, go against the will of the people, of our allies with dirty illegal politics because of a narcissistic mentality pushing for their own political gain, here and at the UN.

Globalization at the expense of our sovereignty, our economy, our children’s safety and education, our seniors who have been robbed of our retirement, and now the thieves don’t want to pay it back, so we eliminate the program … (McConnell – McCain), give the money to the illegal aliens, and Muslims. Persecute Christians with manufactured BS until it has split denominations and weakened others, people have left great churches for a more ‘comfortable and easy religion’ called liberal Christian theology, which is more than we have space for here.

We have become a nation of laziness and dependency on government, one of the greatest liberal Democratic presidents, once made a phrase internationally popular… “Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country.” He loved his country, and was against the communist agenda of Communist Russia. His problem was the Conservative Christian Republican from Selma Alabama, and the Democratic South’s continued segregation, the man started a movement … a movement of real black Americans who were tired of the Jim Crow mentality of the Democratic KKK and the Democratic chains holding the black American to the plantation.

His Dream was that one day, men would be judged by their “character” not the color of their skin. That American hero was Dr. Martin Luther King a conservative preacher. Not now, we have Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, the NAACP, the Black Panthers, and now the Black Lives Matters, who have shattered Dr. Kings Dream; why? for a free ride, and Obama-phone. All for liberalism. The media have sold their souls to liberal socialism. The ACLU and IRS are the enforcers of the Global liberal socialist Union wrought on by the UN… the gift of FDR, who wrote the Charter, and his wife was the first Ambassador (central committee representative) from the US.

The pied piper of liberalism has moved on America with its sweet tune of deception, and destruction. We have allowed the LBGT to bully its way into the classrooms of our children, and allowed the ACLU to remove anything Christian from the public square because of the Supreme Court creating case law and manufacturing the wrong interpretation of the constitution, which a liberal-RINO congress either don’t care, have no backbone, or are too lazy to straighten out; meanwhile our values, ethics, and integrity continues to go down the sewer to that great septic pool of liberal America. I for one would call for a congressional investigation into the biggest fraud that has ever been perpetrated against the American people and the Christian church.

I am R.S. Helms and I am tired of the same old BS that has our country ready to be flushed.


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