Finding the Truth
Finding the Truth
While rewriting the introduction to my book, I started the
morning by looking at headlines in my emails which in most part was simply
reruns of liberal fake news, and the conservative habit of helping the
liberal’s distribution of their propaganda.
We fail to research who actually wrote the story, that is when they
actually ascribe their name and date to it.
We fail to do the proper research for the truth.
We, at times, simply trust in sources that we have followed
because they posted a story that was pro-conservative or pro-patriotic, and are
not what they make themselves out to be.
We need to research who made the original post, and get to know the
credibility of truth, otherwise we are simply and blindly falling victim to a
liberal scheme to distribute bits and pieces of propaganda. Infiltration of our ranks is rampant and very
Research is a necessity of finding the truth. Otherwise we only have a subjective truth
which may only be truth to the writer’s ego, or a half-truth at best. It is really quite hard to research truth,
and remain objectionable. The human nature
has too many appetites for objectionable rational deduction in finding the
This book has a primary purpose of encouraging and
challenging all citizens, not simply the conservatives, patriots, and Biblical
Christians to objectionably do their own research for the truth. To stand up, wide awake, and bravely face the
opposition, and human comfort appetite, and seek the truth.
This book will most likely fall victim to opposition’s
accusations of being a “conspiracy theorist” madness, but that is okay, as long
as people are able to read it, and seek the truth. My objective is to stop liberalism that has
shattered our nation and splintered our Christian faith, through evil
corruption. And is easily found with
research from the time of our second president, John Adams. The rest of our
presidents left the feeling of a twinge of corruption in some degree, if
nothing more than seriously failing to enforce the Constitution, which all but
a few have failed to do properly.
Regardless of their good, failing to fulfill their oath of
office, to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and to
enforce its mandates is actually a reason to question if they were free of
corruption. Great Americans like
Jefferson, Madison, all the way to Lincoln failed to end slavery and the slave
trade, without compromising the Constitution by an Act, which failed to
uniformly put our black brothers and sisters on an equal basis, with equal
rights, and equal access. And after the
coming of power of the Republican-Democrat Party against the Federalist, and
Whigs, political party ideologies bred corruption to remain in power at the
expense of We the People.
Corruption overshadowed politics, and a lot of pandering for
votes went on, even with the most well intended politician. Because after John Adams it seemed foundational,
that government was to control the people not to serve the people. Political manipulation still abounds, and
continues to move forward, however, the majority of the people were rocked by
political manipulation with the election of Barrack Hussein Obama. Since then it has been a bloody war just to
keep our nation free and the Constitution intact.
The splintering of our Christian faith started with small
superficial fractures within the denominations, and enhanced with the Atheist
persecution of those who believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. The works of liberalism soon created big
cracks between the denominations, and the denominations and Christians who
sought public opinion over biblical doctrine.
The sermon yesterday was given by a professor of theology at
the Malaysia Baptist Seminary. His
academic accomplishments are outstanding and he is visiting our pastor as a
stay-over before a three-week seminar as he is working on his Doctorate.
He based his sermon on the scriptures from the book of
Deuteronomy, Chapter one: Verses 6 – 8., “6)
The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in
this mount: 7) Turn you, and take your
journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh
thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and
by the seaside, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great
river, the river Euphrates.
8) Behold, I have set
the land before you: go in and possess the land before you: go in and possess
the land which and Lord sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to
give unto them and to their seed after them.”
The young Asian professor equated it to his call to be a
Missionary to Nepal. Not unlike many
Christians who know the experience of a genuine call, will tell a tale of
getting ahead of God, God seems to bring us to a spot, in our commitment to the
ministry, and then says to us: it’s time to take a break, and drink a cup of
water, and ready yourself to go forward when I say it is time. Well, in many cases while waiting on God to
prepare us to move, we find ourselves in a comfort zone.
However good (excellent) his sermon was, it was inspiring my
grey-cells in a more subjective way. It
fit into what I was considering and researching while writing my book, and how
this scripture is relevant to my opinion, so, the following is not his sermon
but my thoughts as the scriptures may apply to my opinion.
The churches comfort zone; especially in America where it is
easy to fall into a social comfort zone, and our churches are quite prone to be
victimized by our human nature, a comfort zone of preaching, and a comfort zone
of playing church.
The more comfortable we become, the more we don’t want
change, and then throw in a bit of persecution to move us a bit out of our
comfort zone, and our comfortable social standing in the community. Yes, there was a period of time when
successful job resumes included the standing of “Deacon” or Elder, or some
ministry in the church, it’s true, social standing in the community which
included being a model Christian was – well a feather in the hat, so to speak.
Our Seminaries are pumping out liberal Christian theologians
at an alarming rate, and conservative theologians are focused on “how to grow a
big church” over how to serve and involve God’s people in the work of the church,
and of how to be a good witness for Jesus.
They have a mind-set that to grow a mega church, the church must be
politically correct and socially acceptable.
For the past several years I have posted studies on the
Seven Churches of Asia Minor, as found in the book of Revelation, Chapter one –
three. It is time the church started to
listen to Jesus Christ the head of the church, with ears that hear what the
Spirit is saying to the church.
God gave America to the Christian church as a safe and
secure harbor, for us to prepare the church to move forward, however, the
church has not been paying attention, and found in this safe and secure place,
(the overwhelming flourishing of the faith), a place to rest with little
persecution, and it became our comfort zone and a place for our human appetites
to flourish as well, and flourish they have.
Over the past four or five decades the church started to get
buffered some, and the people were nudged from their place of comfort. With each nudge, there was a vacuum and as
ever slight it may have been it was filled with secularism, that fine hair-line
crack which over the past couple of decades has managed to splinter the
church. Instead of taking the biblical
doctrines to the community, we compromised those sacred doctrines so the world
could corrupt the church, first with the church leadership, then the people.
Jesus told Niodemus the Pharisee of the Sanhedrin, who
inquired of Jesus about how to get to heaven, and Jesus said “Ye Must be ‘BORN
AGAIN.’” what is more
commonly taught in liberal theology today is that through our kind deeds and
good works, God’s infinite grace, that everyone will be taken to heaven, or
everyone will be saved.
It is my studied opinion that God set his arm against sin,
all sin, and as soon as the preachers started to compromise on the sin issue it
would not be long before the biblical doctrine of salvation would be
compromised and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, would no longer be sufficiently
necessary in redemption. That redemption
would be more of an entitlement of mankind.
Redemption ONLY come by Repentance of Sin, Confession of
Sin, Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and a personal commitment for follow
Him. The biblical doctrine of salvation
is this, … By the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, we are
saved. That is why the Christian worships
in the spirit, and in thanksgiving.
I have mentioned in my book and in other writing and
sermons, a wonderfully gifted and anointed preacher, Dr. Sheppard of Wales, who
said in one of his sermons to those of us gathered together at the Music Evangelism
Foundation’s annual conference in Colorado Springs. Pastor Sheppard, said: “The little sins of great men become the great sins of little men.”
It is my studied opinion, that the corruption of
politicians, becomes the corruption of the people. I believe corruption in any form or degree is
sin, sin against the citizens of the nation, and sin against God. The “eye-wink” corruption of our elected
officials; be it at the local, state, or federal level, is the little sins of
the politicians, and it’s okay for them to fudge a little bit, according to
political correctness. However, if the
same behavior is from the citizens it is not acceptable, unless you belong to
the liberal Democratic party.
Liberalism as we know it today is corrupt and evil. Liberalism has effected Christianity as well
as the citizens of the United States. It
has nearly destroyed the Constitution, through using congressional loop-holes
created by the corrupt to skirt the parameters of the Constitution to create
case law and congressional law, that is as unconstitutional as hanging a fellow
without due process. Yet it becomes law,
and simply is the ignition point of the out of control corruption in our
politics, and in our Christian churches.
Liberalism attracted Christians of all denominations who
were suffering from superficial persecution.
Being called some sort of phobic or forcing our religion upon people, is
not glamorous and uncomfortable but no reason to corrupt the Bible, and Jesus,
to be politically correct to avoid the name calling, and frivolous ACLU
lawsuits. COULD IT BE, that God is still
in the process of enabling us to move forward when he is ready to give us the
order to move? What God has now is an unprepared
Christianity to be witness to 600 people groups who have not been given the
opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In other words, we, as Christians, are actually moving backwards in
God has been calling us away from our comfort zones for a
long time, but we found our comfort zone and have always been unprepared,
unprepared as US citizens, and as biblical Christians. And we wonder why we are in the condition we
are in. We in our comfort zone seem to
be shocked to hear from God – in liberal churches the people are shocked that God
has finally said stand on your feet and walk.
People are shocked to hear preachers address the sin problem in the
church, at times they are so shocked they fire the pastor for pointing out the
sins of the congregation. People it is
time to listen, if you are Christian or not.
Corruption is what it is, and don’t take the word of corrupt politicians,
that they are actually representing you, they are not, some are and since the
election of Trump we see more and more self-serving corrupt politicians being
If you want to live in freedom, and have the opportunity to
be happy and pursue your American dream you need to realize as the citizens …
the We the People … have to wake up and understand the sin of corruption and
liberalism has put us into a comfort zone, and we need to move from under its
evil spell and move to where it is uncomfortable, that is still your choice.
For the Christian, many have found a comfort zone in
liberalism, easy church, you really need to wake up and revisit your salvation,
you need to reestablish the Authority of God’s word in your life, listen to
what God says to us in his word, make his word your infallible, inerrant word –
His revelation of who He is and What He expects, otherwise we have no concept
of how we should walk with Him. Liberal pastors
will have to give an account to God for the ones who just think they are saved,
if indeed the pastor is saved. Liberal theology
is heresy at best, and does affect you’re your salvation.
It is not me to judge anyone’s salvation, but I am concerned
about its validity if it is not within the prerequisites of scripture. It is my studied opinion that a born-again Christian
cannot accept liberal theology.
Dr. Sheppard also said this: “If you don’t believe any part of the Bible you cannot believe any
of it.” A Christians cannot pick
and choose even to misuse the Bible to their liking, it is either all true or
none of it is true.
Corruption has been the little sins not being addressed
because of fear. Integrity is doing the
right thing in spite of fear. Just thought
that I would include that for our non-Christian friends, who really want to
make a difference, who really want freedom, who really want and cherish the
opportunity to pursue life, happiness, and their American dream enough to move
our nation out of the comfort zone of no values, no ethical policies, hit and
miss constitutional rights, to become a slave to globalism. Globalism will not produce peace, will not
improve climate change, because it will be ruled by people who think more of
their human appetites, and live in the deadly sins for the world to live in
If I am wrong and liberalism is true; at the end of the day,
I have nothing to lose. If I am right
and liberalism is wrong; at the end of the day liberalism has eternity lost.
Thanks for reading,
R.S. Helms.
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