Christians & COVID-19
The crisis we find ourselves in today, as Christian, we
certainly need to be doing more. Doing
more, indeed, as you may come to understand in the subsequent “Could it Be”
scenarios which are from scripture and address the American Christian and our
present crisis as a Christian. Could it be,
Okay, mini-sermons, (if there is such a thing), however, the purpose of
this article is to get the Christian as well as the nonbeliever to renew an intimate love relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, renewal for the Christian,
if indeed, they were actually born-again Christians in the first place. For the nonbeliever, it is simple, a simple
warning across the bow of life as you have been able to live it in a nation set
apart for Christians.
God warned the Hebrews in Egypt of the coming tenth
plague, the plague of the death of the first-born, and should you read Exodus
chapters 11-13, you will see the warning and the shield of survival or security
of protection which He instructed the Hebrews to use. The blood of the lamb on the lintel and posts
of the door.
God gave warning through the Prophet Amos, that Israel had
forsaken their commitment to sincerely worship God from their heart. Their worship had become nauseating to Him
and that He was about to sort out their transgressions. Amos 5: is for the reading and the key verse is
Amos 5:24. Christians, like Hebrews, understand and know that God is a holy God, and in order to be a holy God He must
judge His people, and He must set His hand against the evil of disobedience and
the evil of disobedience to His holy Laws.
Laws? Yes, laws, there are two sets of laws; first, the moral law of God,
which is the Ten Commandments; second, is the Sacrificial Laws, which include
worship and a commitment to worship God in the truth and the Spirit. Through the Old Testament, God reveals his
consequences for disobedience to His laws.
Adam & Eve, Noah and the Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, Lot’s Wife,
Captivity. God’s Prophets and Angels gave
stern warnings, but, they also foretold of the Messiah Jesus who would come and
truly set them free, not so much to set them free of oppression from nations,
but to set them free from the curse of the law, the consequences of their
disobedience and rebellion; the sins of the nation Israel.
Jesus would become the last sacrificial lamb, the Lamb of
God. Who would come to set them free
from the curse of the law which is death? Only Jesus, God’s only begotten Son. However, Jesus commanded us to be obedient to
the Moral Law (the Ten Commandments) of God.
Plus, Jesus gave us more, but our sins would not require the blood of
lambs, His blood spilled on the cross was spilled for all the sins of the world,
past, present and future. Confession, Repentance,
with a truly sincere heart, we are forgiven, and that sin is forgotten.
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus tells His Church in the
first three chapters, a warning and sets His plumb-bob straight for us to
repent. He tells us what we are doing
right, and yet he tells us through five of the seven churches what we are doing
wrong. I believe that we are doing
something wrong as reflected in all five, but the one, that is so displeasing
to Jesus is the church of compromise. The church of Pergamos, and the church of
Laodicea. Point is Jesus reveals their
condition and warns them what they need to do, and the consequences if they do
Our problem as American Christians is that we live in the world every
day, and have, since the Mayflower anchored in Boston Harbor, and over the
centuries our Christian commitment has grown weak, yes our worship has become
very compromised as we have set about achieving the American Dream, raising our
children the best that we are able, paying our taxes for an increasingly inadequate
- ever-expanding and a socialist corrupt government. A government that has become Constitutionally
unrecognizable, and a government that has been eroding our constitutional
rights especially our Christian religious
liberty and freedom. The world has been
working overtime from the time of the witch hunts to the zealots on the
frontier, showing the American people that Christianity is more harmful than
good. But the average American Christian
has weathered the storm, but not in such great shape.
A large percent of the American Christians has politically and socially
been forced to compromise our faith commitment to keep jobs, keep freedom of
speech, and to hold and conduct worship services unless we adhere to political
correctness, and accept non-biblical policies of liberalism. To start, if we want to maintain our tax-exempt
status, which means that our tithers would not be able to deduct tithe, and the
church would have to pay business taxes to the state and to the federal
government. Leaving the best of churches
to face closing down; many Christians have chosen their 30 pieces of silver, to
compromise their faith commitment and follow the world system.
The church would have no choice in what was preached and taught in our
Bible Studies. Christians had no option
but to compromise in our faith, or so it seemed. But we allowed our denominational leaders to
indirectly place money ahead of the Headship of Jesus over His church. The real motive we assemble and listen to a
preacher half-heartedly preach the Word of God and apply the Word of God to our
everyday spiritual battle in the world. Somewhere some of that Christian leadership forgot
about defending the Christian faith. Not
all Protestant Christian preachers compromised even at the risk of being sued
or the risk of losing the Tax Status of a non-profit. Remember “we are in this world but, not of this
world, (Jn. 17:16 KJV) and “If the world hates you, understand
(keep in mind), that it hated Me First.” (Jn. 15:18 – BSB – NIV)
But, God knows what He is doing or so I firmly believe, however, compromised
church leaders would not stand and fight, not until a couple of Constitutional conservative
law firms started to step up and challenge some of the targeting lawsuits against
Christians and Christian concerns, targeted by the cabal and brought by the
ACLU under the “Civil Liberties” Act, which was created by the Kennedy
Brothers, John & Bobby, However, John didn’t live long enough to sign it
into law, but, one of the first things Johnson did after being sworn in as
President (which was immediately after John Kennedy was pronounced dead from an
assassin’s bullet). Then later took on
the bill as his legacy when he signed it into law, then working against his
true Southern Democrat nature to ensure the black vote for the Democrat Party. Enslaving the African American culture and
people to the Democrat Party, and the liberal Washington plantation.
Nonetheless, the Civil Liberties Bill became the rallying point for the
liberal cabal, and the Atheist’s ACLU funded by the infamous George Soros. However, let it be noted here that politicians
operated under a new form of government within our constitutional government;
the name of that type of government is “Plutocracy”
(plo͞oˈtäkrÉ™sÄ“ - noun – 1… government by the wealthy. "the
attack on the Bank of England was a gesture against the very symbol of
plutocracy" - a country or society governed by the wealthy. "no one
can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy" - an
elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth. - "officials
were drawn from the new plutocracy").
It is my studied opinion, that what has been happening since FDR’s socialism
has been like a slimy evil thief, coming in unaware and no-one really noticed
the growth and handpicked agency heads of the exploding bureaucracy with the
fat-cat bureaucrats. We now refer to it
as the “Deep State” or as I prefer “Shadow Government,” of liberal socialists
or globalists who for the past four or five decades have been brainwashing our
children through public schools, and children’s TV, games and movies. The
effort to transform our culture has happened because we allowed it. Our compromise on God’s moral law (the Ten
Commandments), and the compromise in our faith commitment, and it has led to a
compromise in our personal life in the world.
And why should we expect anything different? We have slowly taken on the things of the
world, and like the Hebrews of the Amos 5:24 era, we have allowed modernity-liberalism
into biblical Christianity, we have brought the world into our spiritual lives,
and that is putrid to God.
History has shown that God will warn the false worshipers, false
teachers, false prophets and their false doctrines that he will, and is about
ready to rain down his wrath in judgment against evil and evildoers,
Christian or heathen, it matters not with God, but He being a just God warns us
to renew our minds… renew our spiritual passion for Him, or in other words, get
our ducks in a row. The time is ripe for
a new awakening, the time is ripe for a great revival of His people. His judgment will flood the land like an
unexpected tidal wave, His righteousness like a flood from ever-flowing streams. Perhaps, it is time we built a spiritual ark? By renewing our minds and sincere commitment
to Jesus our Lord.
The COVID-19 virus, what about the virus? The only thing I know about the virus is that
it is dangerous and deadly, but, no more than most flu viruses that come along
each “flu season.” The magnitude and
panic is of the world, manufactured by greedy faux news and global scientists
who are feeding faulty and rigged information into faulty models, to keep the
people in a chaotic panic, relying on the government to fix it and save us from
death, and for the right price the politicians will promote the faulty models,
and greedy scientists and corporate pharmaceuticals, the shadow government
agencies to keep the American people dependent on government that we will
continue to sell them our souls through votes, and further enslavement to a
socialist plutocratic government.
Well so it seems we are ready and waiting for our fair round of pieces
of silver, that the condition of our soul is now nearly non-existent. But, I also see the COVID-19 virus as a great
opportunity to reflect on my spiritual condition and a personal evaluation of
my faith commitment to Jesus, and to be honest I have been slipping in certain
areas, caught-up in the world by writing about the corrupt political leaders
and their coup d’état – coup d’cabal, to make this Christian nation a socialist
nation and part of the Global Socialist Union.
Caught up in the world system to the neglect of my daily devotion, my
daily frequent visit to the pages of His Word, being constant in prayer and
fellowship with my creator through the presence of the Holy Spirit. This time with the shelter-in-place and
listening to what the bureaucrats are telling me to do because of my COPD, and
age has kept me in. and given me the
opportunity to listen to God as he led me to really reconsider Amos the fifth chapter
… all in context of the chapters before and after; witch led to evaluating my
condition with the seven churches of Asia Minor of the book of Revelation, and
in turn let me renew my mind and spirit and revive my passion for Jesus, renew
my faith commitment to depend only on God for my well being with no compromise.
I will continue to write about the evil of this nation and of the
protestant Christian church, but not to the neglect of my faith commitment and
call to the gospel ministry of our Lord Jesus.
I pray for a great revival of our Christian faith, which produces a
great awakening and outreach of disciples to gather the harvest of souls that
will be seeking the Lord. Christianity
is standing on the threshold of regaining the strength of God in the nation and
the world system.
Listen then to what the Spirit is telling you, listen for that still small
sweet voice from deep in your heart, calling you, calling you to humble
yourself before the throne of God and confess your sin and the sin of our
nation and pray, and God will hear you from heaven and heal our land. Take the chaotic panic of the virus as a
warning and prepare your house, not as the world would prepare but spiritually
sprinkle the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, on the lentil and posts of your
doors that the wrath of God will pass you by.
There is no better time than right now to seek the face of our Lord and
renew our hearts and minds, our intimate love relationship with Jesus.
God’s grace be with you, and shine through you. Remember, we are just sojourners traveling
through this world on our way home.
R.S. Helms
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