COULD IT BE, time for the grass-roots patriotic conservatives (including you fellow "Born again true” Christians) to get up off the recliner, roll up your sleeves and do something about all this BS mind control agenda and ideologies running chaotic in our streets? 

There is not a news source on TV or the Newspapers that is any better than MSMBC, and Huffington Post; like water they have sought the course of least resistance, and the lowest point possible before going down the sewer.  The internet is the only hope for any sort of proven, verifiable, truthful news.  And it is getting harder to find straight forward truth as numerous once good sites like Town Hall, just becomes another pep-rally source for corruption and evil control of our once great nation.

Yes, you armchair patriotic witty-mouthed ‘Monday morning quarterbacks’ who in most part don’t even say the right thing, just what sounds good, and other than that, remain nice and comfortable on your over-stuffed recliners feeding the narcissistic craving of the global establishment, and the global socialist liberals that we are running our country today – and for the past five presidents.

For decades’ real conservatism is being eaten away by the human nature with its vast evil appetites brought on by its total depravity.  Real conservatives and conservative ‘born again’ Christians have fallen asleep and like Rip Van Winkle some are starting to wake up, asking what’s going on?  What’s going on is the devil like a roaring lion has been going about seeing whom he may devour, and devouring us in the name of peace and unity, political correctness, not to mention, redefining words and ideologies of true the sovereignty of a free Republic.

Slowly this evil has been at work, creeping over the landscape of our nation like a creeping plague.  Inch by inch like a giant shadow slowly spreading out from cities to towns from the populated East and West coasts devouring the very integrity of our nation.  it has been happening for centuries, ever so slowly and from time to time there has come along, real leadership with the true heart for America, for greatness, freedom and the American people, while none were perfect leaders, with perfect backgrounds their integrity and character was strong and good, which set them apart.  However, since the late fifties an evilness has been slowly eating the minds of good people, however, not to the magnitude of the last eight years.

Nonetheless, Regan was the best of the presidents, Kennedy a big player but a proud and strong American but played the black voter, and only because of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, and his powerful opposition to “equal but different” Democrats of the South, (Segregation Laws), which had spread into the North nearly as much.  He ended segregation, but Johnson stole his legacy by signing the Kennedy “Civil Rights Act”, None the less Nixon was impeached for doing his wrong dealings which are but a fraction of what Clinton (Bill and Hillary) actually did, Gerald Ford was worthless except for pardoning Nixon while all the Nixon gang went to prison.  Jimmy Carter was just not slick enough, or perhaps too dumb about his globalist “unity” love BS.

George H.W. Bush, is where we really start seeing a phony globalist at work with his million points of light rhetoric, and his establishment mindset.  Clinton is simply controlled by his evil nature and Hillary, being above the law, and Marxist liberal he is, had the sense to go from extreme liberal to moderate and wind up with a budget surplus, but started the total disrespect for the Office.  George W. Bush was handed Islamic Terror of 9-11 and demanded swift action, it is no secret that Iraq had WMDs but that was not exactly the reason for his war with Iraq, his was a war of revenge for the 1993 assassination attempt on his dear daddy.

Problem with the WMDs being the motivation of taking out Saddam Hussein is that he broadcasted it to the world weeks and months before the strike.  He played with the Democrats in congress trying to get congressional approval, then, with the reluctant U.N. trying sanctions and other sidetracking methods to attack the Islamic terror organization Taliban in Afghanistan, meanwhile Saddam simply moved his WMDs to Syria and bury the manufacturing hardware somewhere in the desert.  I have no doubt that the Bushes’ loved the United States, however, that does not justify their establishment global politics.

Obama, is another kind of global socialist, more evil, and truly hates America.  He is a Muslim and not so good Liberation theology Christian.  Obama could care less that people call him dumb, inapt, global socialist, because he is of a wicked heart and a proficient bully who will lie on demand, blame everyone else, and has worked his way of blame to intimidate the American populace, and in doing so dumbed down most of America.  He has divided everyone and continues to work his evil as he takes the nation towards a global socialist union.  he has reduced our military, and demoralized our strongest troops and brought us to the point of destruction from without and from within to accomplish his goal.      

 One lesson he learned well, which most megalomaniac narcissists do; the teaching of Jonathan Gruber, “the American people are stupid and will believe what you tell them”.   That statement is a standalone statement of stupidity which has been used to browbeat good people into acting like zombies, or string puppets with the evil of liberalism its puppet master pulling their strings. He is out of control, and so are the liberals and establishment globalist RINOs.

Meanwhile those who stand against him are being bashed in the media, (which he controls) through rich and powerful global socialists top one percent rich.  The news media (including Fox’s Murdoch) play puppet masters over the American populace.  Not to mention those who are brainwashed and going along with this madman but who continue to support the madness in politics by supporting Hillary Clinton, she is a scaggy version of Obama on steroids. 

I am tired of the Glenn Becks, and Bill Crystal, the O’Reilly, and Kellies who are only interested in the dollars, of lying and trying to keep people dumbed down on the American truth.  The façade is over and with the help of God putting energy to the ones who talk the talk but are most comfortable sitting in the recliner with a cool one thinking they are cool, but are not.  They make a fair cheering section, but are being used by the globalists to keep the spin going.  Stand up and be counted worthy of being an American Patriot.  Stop the stupid thinking and stupid baseless hope.  Where will you go should Hillary Clinton be elected?  American was once the only safe harbor in a chaotic world, we are perhaps at our weakest in our history, but still the only safe harbor, free as long as we protect our freedom. 

The real Tea Party needs to stand up and be counted as the patriots they are, we need to clean up our mouths and partner with the 1&2nd amendment people, partner with Christians, partner with true Americans and say enough is enough and mean it, all the bullying in the world is not going to make me sit down and be silent any longer, don’t stand on the sideline get active and by all means vote!  If you don’t know what Republican to vote for, ask the Tea party, (that is if they will stand up and separate themselves from the counterfeits that seem to be everywhere. We truly need God fearing true Americans in office, not the phony promise breaking RINOs more interested in their pocketbooks and power than the sovereignty of our great nation buying in and selling out to globalism and special interest groups.

I am saying we need to take the advice of the Apostle Paul, he admonished the congregation about the taking of the Lords Supper, now listen to what you are reading – it is important that you not lie to yourself. In 1st Corinthians 11:27—29   (27), “Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.  (28) But let every man (men & women) EXAMINE himself, and so let hi m eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.  (29) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lords body.

I know we are not at the communion (Lords Supper), However the word “examine” is the focus, because we need to examine our heart to see what is really in there, you cannot escape your own truth, try as hard as you might in covering it over with platitudes of justification.  The bare naked truth is there, either you are or you are not a true freedom loving American patriot or you are not.  Of course, there is a lot wrong with the nation, there was decades ago, but compared to what we have today it is nothing. 

Even the Atheist of Atheists knows there are two things in this world, good and bad (good and evil) and we as a free sovereign nation must change course, and put the nation on the good course in order to survive in freedom.  You know in your heart that we must get back to where we were, even in all of our imperfection we had hope within the American spirit.  absolutely we made great progress, and we should desire to progress more, but please understand that what has been happening in this nation's progress is wrong for decades, we surely don’t disregard our values, our once great culture our greatness as a nation because some corrupt evil and wicked politician or mogul says we are wrong!  We cannot allow political correctness to brainwash us any longer, we as conservative Americans must stand on our two legs like men have done before us and walk the walk, put action to our words “Enough is Enough”, Put congress on notice … not to be bullied by this administration and liberals any longer do the right thing and put the law breakers out of business.  Use the power of impeachment and make it work, for the liberals and RINOs who stand in the way vote them out ASAP, our politicians need to stand up and be Americans, the press will always be chained to the globalist moguls as mere pawns in their army of destruction.

We don’t need to grab up our gun (as of yet) nor a baseball bat, but march and protest if need be, boycott if need be, but whatever you do, don’t stoop to their level of violence and rioting.  Use your power to vote and vote in those who will not be shy to impeach someone.

But it is time to stand up and be counted, America first.

R.S. Helms, and this is my humble Opinion. 


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