Something Is Rotten In America

Something Is Rotten In America

What we are witness to is a massive criminal network

Ray DiLorenzo

Cover Story  By Ray DiLorenzo --July 4, 2020  (Bio and Archives)

Prologue note by R.S. Helms:  This article is being posted, or rather, reposted from an article found in Canada Free Press newsletter.  I am researching for my sequel to "A Splintered Nation and A Broken Church," the sequel deals with what corruption and evil that has been going on in our nation and in the Christian Church since the 1960s and specifically since the Election of George HW Bush, through Obama leaving office.  
This article is for anyone who still has somewhat of a sound mind, common sense, or people who have not been completely brainwashed by our liberal education system or have not lost their moral values and integrity altogether through social and political correctness culture change.  Too many voting Americans are uninformed voters and those who bother to vote simply go by what the Mainstream Media tells them, which is manipulated to suit their candidates; it is all just plain deception or lies but works with the uninformed. 
If the voter wants to be able to vote, it will take a bit of research on your part, and articles like this one are excellent sources of information or a great place to start looking deeper into the corrupt 'Deep State' and 'Swamp.'
Have a great read, I know I did and will use some of the information in my research. 
Thank you,   R.S. Helms

In writing this article, I had to constantly remind myself that what is happening in America today is not an outlandish work of fiction that few people would find conceivable, but a harsh reality that is happening now. On one hand, I am fortunate to be a witness to history, but on the other hand, sick at heart that this could happen here,  the country I love..
It is not hyperbole to say that we are witnessing the culmination of decades of massive corruption. It is so fantastic in size, scope, and evil as to be worthy of the most heinous crime organizations that have ever existed.

Mass Murder, Treason, Insurrection, Sedition

It involves mass murder, treason, insurrection, and sedition.
A large contingent of the most barbarous group of men and women have literally declared war on the United States. They are an army of embedded bureaucrats otherwise known as the Deep State, current and former political leaders, a cooperative and collusive disinformation media, several well-indoctrinated generations employed as useful idiots, and a foreign power working in concert, having been given comfort and assurance. That foreign power is China. What they are collectively willing to do to seize power is unimaginable.
I only suspected this back in March, but I am beginning to believe that the COVID-19 pandemic, the rioting, the deaths, the destruction of property and the crushing of an entire nation is the result of a well-planned, well-orchestrated hoax. It is like a massive injection of chemotherapy in an otherwise healthy patient, for what is considered by the Left to be a cancer on their power and control…Donald J. Trump. The Left is willing to see the host die rather than take any seat other than at the head of the table. They have decided that it is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.

Consider the following:
To protect fellow criminals within their extortion network, the Obama administration was not going to allow Trump to become president. Their attack, their insurance plan, was five fold: the election, the Russia-Collusion hoax, a worldwide pandemic, a race war, and, if all else fails, engineer an economic collapse. The coincidences are everywhere, too convenient, too prompt.
With the support of a brainless mob, Marxist Black Lives Matter, Antifa
In 2016, despite the constant bombardment from the media, the fake polls showing Hillary with a 96% chance of winning, Trump won the presidency. The collusion story was then unleashed. After several years of non-stop assaults by the Democrat Party and media coverage, the impeachment failed. Almost immediately, they released the hounds, an insurgency under the cover of a pandemic.
In 2015, Obama authorized the funding of virus experimentation in Wuhan, China, the hub of the pandemic. It was to create the agent for a global virus pandemic attack. Fauci even publicly predicted in 2017 the possibility of a pandemic during Trump’s first term, but, at the time Fauci wasn’t sure if it was going to be released since the impeachment process had not been decided. How did he know? The virus was released the very day the impeachment collapsed. It was not a natural event. Coincidence?
With an unjustified global shutdown for an historically minor virus outbreak, 24/7 news coverage, all media outlets reporting a barrage of up-to-the-minute numbers of infection and death, however inflated by adding regular flu virus numbers, the nation came to a near standstill. When it proved insufficient, the Democrat governors of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California went against federal guidelines and moved infected COVID patients into nursing homes where they knew the most vulnerable would also be infected, even while newly erected field hospitals and two Navy hospital ships stood near empty. The result was genocide, over 40,000 COVID deaths…murder!
As planned, COVID-19 reversed much of what President Trump had accomplished, firmly planted fear, and halted the highly successful MAGA rallies. To further dishearten the public, churches were closed in the guise of public safety. Just when millions of people needed to lean on their faith, it was pulled away. A national anxiety and depression settled in.

Through all the violence and death, the Democrats have been silent, total appeasement

And then another coincidence, the suspicious death of George Floyd by a white cop known to Floyd just when new COVID cases were beginning to flatten. It seemed obvious by the video footage that the police officer’s intent was to kill Floyd. The goal was to arouse racial hatred, division, and civil unrest to further divide an already fractured nation.
With the support of a brainless mob, a Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa, funded by Soros and ignorant corporations thinking they are buying protection, the riots that ensued destroyed or stole everything in its path with hardly a mention of Floyd. In Seattle, a six-block area was taken over that included a police station, giving thugs access to firearms and ammunition. Only when Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s neighborhood was attacked did she decide to clean up CHAZ, later CHOP, the autonomous zone the mayor called a ‘street festival.’ A street festival that killed two people, both black.
In every Democrat state, police were held back allowing rioters to have their way, furthering and encouraging civil unrest. Politicians suddenly seemed unconcerned about any resulting COVID spread. Churches had to close but rioting, pot shops, and liquor stores could remain open.
With the accelerated chaos, the refusal of Democrat governors and mayors to protect their citizens, the call for defunding or eliminating police began, along with the eviction of the National Guard. On June 22, Democrat Congressman, Adam Schiff proposed a bill calling for the elimination of military force as a posse Comitatus to weaken the ability of President Trump to curb the planned insurrection that was to continue during the coming months.
Through all the violence and death, the Democrats have been silent, total appeasement. I cannot remember any Democrat, speaking out against Black Lives Matter, Antifa or the nameless rabble of anarchists. Why should they? They’re acting as their militia.
Just a few months from the election, Democrats are now calling for mail-in elections due to COVID, knowing full well the fraud that will certainly ensue. How considerate of them! In many areas of the country they went from ‘Flatten the Curve’ to ‘Find a Cure’ as a prerequisite to reopening a business. They are constantly putting roadblocks ahead of returning to normal.

What we are witness to is a massive criminal network

At the same time, Barr and Durham have continued their investigation of the Obama administration that had weaponized the FBI and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to spy on the Trump campaign. They are getting close and the scope of the investigation is growing daily. Obama officials, including Biden and Obama are claiming social distancing guidelines to halt any hearings. James Clapper even said he would be glad to appear to any hearing once he receives the COVID-19 vaccine, which could take years.
What will China get? A continued sellout of American jobs and assets. They will have the benefit of a substantially weakened United States, and an emboldened Communist Chinese leadership.
What we are witness to is a massive criminal network from both sides of the political fence determined to protect their rice bowl at all costs, even to the destruction of the country they took an oath to serve. These rotten ‘swamp creatures’ have decided to no longer be Americans, but agents of another philosophy, another political system totally incompatible with the American ideal. They will do anything to continue their struggle, even as some past presidents fabricated reasons for war in exchange for profit and power.
I have no doubt that President Trump, if allowed, will right the ship of state unless, while in their declining days, the traitors will make one last attempt at survival, cover, and chaos, and engineer a total collapse of our economy. My estimation of probability in September, October, or November, is 50/50. Something is rotten, and it stinks. God help us!

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire).  He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (R


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