Job’s Lament
Dr. Robert Owens Chronicles the History of the Future
The future slides into the present the present slides into the past our lives are the history of the future.
Job’s Lament January 11, 2021
Posted by Dr. Robert Owens
in Uncategorized.
Tags: corrupt
election, Dr.
Robert Owens, election
fraud, stolen
election, stolen
Reblogged (republished) on
Bob’s Opinion by permission
Waking to the news I’ve predicted all along that the
hopelessly corrupted election machine that stole Georgia for Biden has
successfully stolen two Senate seats as well, I perceived the dawn of a
day I’ve anticipated for at least sixty years. The veneer of
constitutionally limited government is about to fall off the last best hope for
human freedom. Since the feckless elected Republican
posers have finished pretending to tilt at windmills
and the best Congress money can buy has ratified Placeholder Joe as
the winner of the most corrupt election in American History, we shall all
witness the emergence of a one-party state, with rigged
elections, and a soviet-style injustice system.
Here are some things to look for in the Brave New
World of the Great
Reset as our self-anointed leaders work to implement their motto
of Build Back Better.
Which by some bizarre coincidence is the motto of the World Economic Forum for the re-invented New World Order and
also the motto for the Biden – Harris economic
recovery plan.
Look for some of the RINOs to leave the GOP and join the
only game left in town, the Democrat Socialists. In the future, as we
follow in the time-honored footsteps of Chicago, where
the Democrats haven’t lost an election in 89 years, perhaps we should dispense
with the expense of having sham elections and just have a Democrat
primary. Although we know the Democrat primaries are also rigged at least we would only have to pay for one fake
election instead of two.
Look for a nation-wide mask mandate to have a visible sign of
Look for COVID vaccination documents to become mandatory for
many things such as work, travel, shopping. … SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!
Look for a nation-wide economic shutdown at
least until China is solidified as the number one economy in the
Look for the institutionalization and nationalization of the
mail-in-voter scam.
Look for a road
to citizenship for all illegal aliens.
Look for open
borders which ties to benefits for all and will result in
mass migration bringing tens of millions of people rushing over what used to be
a southern border.
Look for a return of the Forever Wars to gin up jingoistic
patriotism and enrich the military-industrial complex.
Look for the dollar to lose its status as the world’s
reserve currency.
Look for any alternative media that contradicts the
one-sided megaphone of the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media to
be harassed out
of business or surrender to the narrative of the Democrat Socialist
Look for the police and National Guard to be used to
suppress any signs of protest to the imposition of socialism in America.
Look for the Commander-in-Thief to serve maybe a day over
two years before Kamala takes over. That way she can pretend to win two
full terms without going to the trouble of re-writing the Constitution in the
living-document sand.
And to make sure this is all rammed down our throats
peacefully, look for an effective end to the Second Amendment and gun
Job once lamented, “For the thing I greatly feared has come
upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.” Today, after a half
century of predicting and writing about the socialist takeover of
America, I stand sorrowfully vindicated with those words echoing in my
mind. And when my mind tells me to despair my spirit replies as Job did to his wife when she told him to “curse God and die,” “Shall we indeed
accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” For my hope is
in the Lord. Jesus is my salvation and no government no matter how
corrupt, authoritarian, and powerful can take that away from me.
Which brings me to my favorite “Look” in this article.
Look for the greatest Awakening the nation has ever seen for
as the Lord told us thousands of years ago through the prophet
Isaiah, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift
up a standard against him.”
Let us accept that America has passed under judgement.
And with the innocent blood of millions of aborted children crying out from the
ground, with good being called evil and evil good, with every perversion and
sexual sin held up as the new normal why shouldn’t we?
Dylan Thomas spoke of a coming darkness saying, “Do
not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the
However, that may appeal to some people I say replace rage
with praise. Let us Praise God for His love, His guidance, and His
salvation. Don’t let the shifting scenes of this earthly soap opera steal
your peace. For, in Christ we have the peace that passes all
understanding. And don’t let the news of the day drive you to
despair for when all is said and done, we will see that it was all done just
like He said.
Keep the Faith. Keep the peace. We shall
Dr. Owens teaches History,
Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion. He is the
Historian of the Future @ © 2021 Contact Dr.
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