Where Are You?
Where Are You?
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Stand Firm in the Faith |
This blog may be considered an open letter to the Christian
Church, (all-inclusive), the universal church of Jesus Christ our Lord. Collectively, that would mean all who are
born again, regenerated, redeemed by Christ believer. Whatever your relational position is with the
Savior, only you can know. It is time
for us, (as professing Christians), to examine ourselves, instead of just going
along with the flow of the world and the various forms of progressive religion,
including those who are of false teachers; their motivation is of the world and
not the Kingdom of God.
I classify to whom I write this article because things of
the spirit are not understood except by the Spirit. That is why each individual born into this
world, is born with a “measure of faith that they may first believe.” To the non-believer to read this would be a
total waist of time, because you will not understand what I am talking about,
or attempting to convey to my fellow believer.
Over the years of my ministry there have been those who have
attempted to lend credibility to their conversation by saying that they have
studied the Bible and know Jesus, but yet persecute Christianity and the deny
the deity of Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the Bible as being the
divine and special revelation of God.
When I encounter individuals that are obviously challenging my belief as
hieratical or to push their argument that there is no God, it is time to remind
them that the demons and devils know who Christ is, and know scripture better
than I or most scholars. Nonetheless,
the demons and devils do not have a loving relationship in their intimacy and
knowledge of the savior, they may know the Bible, but have no understanding of
it being the living word of God. They
cannot unless they have the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, whom Christ sent to
teach us all things, to comfort, to guide, convict, and bless us.
With that said, let us continue with what is happening, and
will continue to worsen over the next couple of years if the Christians do not
“repent,” change direction and move in the direction of God. Christians have followed the Pied Piper of
this world. I do not know if it is out
of fear of being called names, or mocked, or outright lied about, perhaps it is
political correctness, or the intimidation from progressives and liberal
politicians, what reason do Christians have for not standing up for Jesus? Some quote the Bible, “turn the other cheek,”
“live by the sword, die by the sword,” “Jesus said we would be hated and
persecuted,” and to these and many more
I agree, nonetheless, for the life of me, I do not see where any of these tell
me that I am not to stand firm and defend my faith! Nowhere, does the Bible tell me I am to compromise
my faith, or the Word of God; what is happening Christian, are you so ashamed
of Jesus that you deny Him, as Peter did?
It is not politically correct to make the claim that America
is a ‘Christian’ nation. The Atheists
and liberals have brainwashed many Americans into believing or going along with
extremism from the liberal side is not a bad thing, only Christianity is bad;
that sin can be free to enslave Americans.
It did not start with Obama, it started nearly fifty years ago, however,
it has become more obvious and intensified under Obama’s watch. Notice that the Christian denominations that
have compromised their faith, and the basis of their faith are never mentioned
in any of the Obama assault on Christianity.
Ever wonder why it is, those denominations that oppose the president’s
ideology and agenda are tagged and found on a terror watch list from Home Land
Security, (military’s), such as Catholics, and Evangelical Christians? They have classified Christians above the
Muslim Brotherhood.
The report that the Southern Baptist Convention’s web site
was blocked from military bases is the one that really bent my nose a bit. The scraping off Bible verses from the rifles
and the presentation of anti-Christian content to the National Guard. The lame excuses that this government has
come up with as to why, is just plain fabrications of truth.
The political correctness “protocol”, social injustice,
racism, intolerance, school curriculum, Christianity from the public square,
attempt to re-right history, and all the recent campaigns against Christianity,
leaves little doubt that we are intentionally being persecuted by liberal and
progressive politics from both sides of the isle who are New Ager Gnostics. The ones who are not under attack are the ones
that have compromised the faith, and embraced liberal and liberation
theologies, and heretic ideologies.
The title and original question of this blog is “Where Are
You?” This is to mean just that. As a Christian, where am I? Where are you?
The first church… Ephesus became the ‘loveless
church.’ Not so much as the love to one
another, or the horizontal love for humankind, but through their discipline and
work, they had lost their intimate love for the Lord.
The second church… Smyrna became the ‘persecuted
church.’ Even though they were
persecuted put into prison and tested they did not waiver or give in. Jesus gives us hope and purpose in our
persecution and tribulation even unto death.
The crown of life!
The third church… Pergamos became the ‘compromising
church.’ Compromise, when we compromise the basic
foundations of the church, as it was then with false doctrines, that of Balaam
or of Nicolaitans (the followers of Nicolas the unbelieving deacon), or of the
Gnostics, liberal theologies, liberation theology, Atheist, or progressive
politics, we have compromised the faith.
The fourth church… Thyatira became the ‘corrupt church.’
The woman Jezebel, (Jezebel being used by Jesus as a type of woman),
teaching sexual immorality and other false doctrines, nonetheless the sexual immorality
seems to be the main point of the corrupt church, because of such we have
another tool of Satan to tear down the value of marriage, and the family
unit. How are you with homosexuality? Gay
marriage? It is here where we need to really examine ourselves as to why? Why have we lost the battle in this
area? Could it be, that we started to
condemn the person and not the sin? The Christian
should look at the sin and not the sinner, and what that sin does to the value
of marriage and the family.
The fifth church… Sardis became the ‘dead church.’ I know your works, that you have a name that
you are alive, but you are dead. If we
are not demanding that we are actively involved in outreach, if we are not
furthering the growth of the Kingdom, if we are not speaking up with our
testimony, or living a life that reflects Jesus in us, we may well be dead.
The sixth church… Philadelphia the ‘faithful
church.’ “these things says He who is holy He who is
true,” He who has the key of David, He who opens and none shuts, and shuts and
no one opens”: I know your works, see I have set before you an open door, that
no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept my word, and have
not denied My name. Indeed I will make
those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie –
indeed I will make them come and worship before our feet; and to know that I have
loved you. Because you have kept My
command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come
upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold I come quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take
your crown. He who overcomes, I will
make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and
the mane of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of
heaven from My God. And I will write on
him My new name. He who has an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Where do I fit in this church
condition? WOW! Am I keeping Jesus’ command to persevere? That
means keeping on keeping on! When all
that is going on around us is ever intensifying am I hiding out, or am I continuing
to push back!
The seventh church… Laodicea became the “Lukewarm
church.” ‘I know your works, that you are
neither cold or hot. I could wish you
were cold or hot. So then, because you
are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Jesus is here saying that the lukewarm Christian
makes him sick! It took over four years
to find a church where the pastor keeps me fired up about the faith! There are two other retired pastors who have
joined this church, and the reason we have is because we are spiritually
challenged to stand fast in the faith and keep on keeping on serving our Lord.
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Stand Firm -- Stop the Attack |
It is my heartfelt suggestion, that anyone who reads this
and is a born again Christian, go to the book of Revelation, chapter 2 – 3 read
and then study each of them see who searches your “mind and heart” who knows
you better than you know yourself. Make an
informed analysis of what you find in your spirit, take the steps to repent and
grasp the opportunity to stand fast in the faith.
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