Why Write about Christianity and Politics

I have been asked, why I write about two subjects at the same time?  In the minds of those who ask, “religion” and “politics” are supposed to be separated.  When in fact, they mesh together like well machined gears, like a hand in a glove, like white on snow, and narcissistic on politician.

I know the kick back, I will get from this blog and web page article, “this cracker is an old has been, who must be blind and senile, nearing the point of extinction, and needs to catch up to reality.”  Nonetheless, I still believe this is a Christian nation, as well as does the rest of the world outside of the boarders of our nation.  It is the most desired nation to live in the world.  It has more people, legal and illegal, trying to get in, than those who are trying to get out, more than any other nation in the world.  Christians fleeing from the persecution of a monarchy is what settled this nation and formed the very document that set us apart from other nations.  So love us or hate us, Christianity formed the foundation of the United States.  I am one that still believes that God has blessed this nation, in spite of ourselves and our devastating mistakes.

The United States is one of the most giving countries of the world, when people somewhere in the world find themselves up against the wall and need help, the United States is there, even countries that want to kill us.  Nonetheless, our country cannot continue to police, and meet the needs of other nations with borrowed money.  And when the people tell the government to stop spending, and borrowing, the fight gets heated, and the only part of the argument that is creditable is that we are the most giving country in the world.  Nothing is mentioned about the people giving to every little need that helps when disaster strikes somewhere in the world, or here at home.  Nothing is ever printed in the liberal news media about the Christian churches that mobilize disaster relief programs and equipment to help feed and the volunteers mobilized from Christian denominations and churches to meet the need.  We hear of the Red Cross, and FEMA; the Red Cross does a good job, and really gets in works hard in the face of tragedy.  FEMA, when they get there, has so much red tape and government control, that even though the will is to meet the need, their hands are tied up with the politics of Washington.  The principal ideology about meeting the needs of those in need comes from our Christian roots.   

Why is the United States one of the most hated countries in the world, seems like a contradiction, but it is not.  People who want to be free, are the ones who come.  People as nations hate us for our might, and power, for our freedom and form of government and capitalism, which makes us rich.  The very reason other countries look to us to be the “police” of the world, and the actual fill in for the world organization the inefficient “UN,” which needs another sponsor, not the United States. 

My new book “My Journey Through the Wilderness” is almost finished, and it shines some light on how the government wants to keep most of the legitimately poor African-Americans in the inner-city right where they are.  Not only the government but some of the so-called “civil rights activists,” like Al Sharpton, and Jessie -- “Dr. King died in my arms” -- Jackson, both of which have “Rev.” in the front of their names. It's all about their power, and the liberal politicians and their fame; it equals … the black vote, and money in the pockets of the so-called “civil rights activist.” 

Working with what has been referred to as “the scum of the earth,” one can see more than what they want this “cracker” to see.  The same is true with the liberal movement and activism about protecting our boarders.  In addition, the drug war going on in Mexico, it is hard to think that many of the illegal aliens are fleeing Mexico simply because they do not want to die at the hands of cartel terrorists.  This gets somewhat complicated because what Washington needs at this time is the human tragedy, such as the drug use of the inner city impoverished to continue to flow, even though the federal government seems to be waging war on drugs and drug traffickers, and at the same time supplying them with arms.  There is a truck load of complex issues and true reasons behind them, that continue to grow.  It is sort of like a lie, to gain popularity and a following, then the next lie to cover the first, and so on they go, until one cannot reasonably discern the truth.

The Christian community, in an effort not to make waves, has not, is not confronting lies, and the denomination of the faith.  Now we have real nut cases standing behind the “right of free speech” as did the radical liberals, promoting lies, and instigating division and strife from within the faith, at times it is easer to believe and follow a lie than the truth, especially the truth of the faith. 

Jeremiah, the 28th chapter, is devoted to a son of a priest, who utilized the human nature of telling people what they wanted to hear.  The false prophets of this time, are not just an insane pastor of some cult in Kansas, or some nutcase burning a Quran in Florida.  It is also the “Rev’s.” Right, Sharpton, Jackson, and the list goes on and on, of those who stand in front of their specific people groups and tell them what they want to hear, then go out and protest until the rest of the nation falls at their feet, beaten with a lie.  They gain momentum, and like a snowball on a winter slope, they pick up other people groups with their agendas, it is the one who told the first lie that gains the power.  As the snowball gets larger, it may no longer need certain people groups to make them bigger and stronger, so they are jettisoned along the way.  That is sad, because real people get hurt.

The liberal politicians use the illegal aliens in the boarder states, in such a manner, to get the votes, now their plight is unforgotten in their rhetoric and the media.  However, if we should pay particular attention to an overall view, we may catch a glimpse of the enormous problem “cause and effect” complexity created by the individual’s human nature.  Furthermore, the unrestrained human appetite for power, pleasure, and control over others, needs to be removed from our social progressive agenda, we are simply a nation at the edge of destruction.  There will be no boney political finger to point, or people groups to demonize, or to even blame God.  The blame will be on our heads, and the head of Satan, but of course it is not politically correct to call attention to the mere truth of sin and Satan.  Old religious crazies like me, are just dinosaurs or relics of a time past and are no longer relevant nor is our unwavering faith.  A bygone era that once was a babe at being a nation, but the Bible and the faith of our forefathers gave hope and vision.  The time has not changed that much. We still need to move forward and grow, meanwhile, we still need hope and encouragement. We need to have a vision for our families, and children and their children.  That hope can only come through our faith.  I would rather have faith in God, than a politician, (left or right,) I would rather return trust and faith in my neighbor, no matter what color, no matter if he is Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, or Catholic.  Someone who has values, and not politicians who continue to play their political games, filled with lies.  And above all, those who are trying to reduce our way of life.  It is not perfect. It has flaws, nonetheless, our history has recorded the fact that it does progress in the right direction, it does correct its mistakes.   

The end times are here now, and have been for the past 2,000 years, yet I don’t know the hour, no one does, but everything is starting to look like it is getting closer than not, therefore, I am to have a vision for the children and grand children of the greatest nation on this earth. That vision is needed because we do not know how much longer before the end of time.  We must have a nation that is still protecting their freedoms and rights, we must have a nation that is Marxist, or socialist, a nation that is a welfare state, is not a nation that offers an opportunity to become what you want, if you are willing to work for it.  To be what you want to be, not what the government says you will be.  that you cannot own something better than those who don’t want to work for it, but demand the government provide it at the expense of those who want to work hard and sacrifice in order to have the things you want to have in life.  And leave a legacy and way of life for your children and their children.  To believe and worship how we choose, not how the government wants me to.  To have laws that protect my rights, my beliefs, and my way of life.  I want a president who is proud to be the president of a Christian nation, made up of all kinds, shapes, colors, and religions of the people of the world who want the same thing.  All the cultures in most part, bring strength and diversity to our fabric as a nation.  Therefore, that is why I write two opinions, because in truth, they go well together. 


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