What is Christianity?

Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, and the work He did on the Cross of Calvary. There is no condition or circumstance that allows mankind to earn, buy, work, or weasel his way into eternal life in the presence of God, without the grace of God, and the faith of the individual, that Jesus gave his blood as the ultimate blood sacrifice for the remission of that individual’s sin, and the sin of all mankind.
First the deity of Christ must be upheld as taught in the gospels. Therefore, the lordship of Christ must be, not only recognized but accepted by the individual. When the individual “accepts” God’s grace as a free gift, the life as he was living it, must be surrendered to that lordship. This is called an “exchanged life” and without the free will surrender and repentance, there is no salvation. It is scriptural impossible to be saved or born again, without repentance and confession of sin.
So, enter stage left, another so-called “Christian pastor” comes forth with a new revelation, “love trumps hell,” “no one will be condemned to hell for eternity.” That the love of God will “trump” judgment’s damnation to hell. There will definitely be more on this subject as the liberal theologians push their heresy, and the liberation theologists start to line up their welfare recipients expecting the government to shell out for the unjust and unconstitutional treatment of their great, and great-great grandparents, for not having equal access to everything “cracker” had. This is according to “Rev.” Jessie Jackson, and “Rev.” Al Sharpton, of course being two of the most racist individuals in the country.
It is not uncommon for the liberal, progressive movement in our social environment to attack and demonize Orthodox Christianity. It has been happening since people decided to follow after their own lusts and appetites. There was a time, when one could ask, what religion are you? The answer would be Christian, if they were or not, and how do you know you are a Christian? “Because I live in the United States.” Our people, Christian or not, thought that this is a Christian nation, not so anymore, at least in the United States. The rest of the world believes we are a Christian nation. Of course, our state department has had major involvement in trying to change our image to fit more of a “global” view.
The demonizing of Christianity has been necessary to change moral values, otherwise most of the movements of the liberal left would not develop and progress. All progressives are not liberal, but still needed to change the spiritual base of the people, just as other liberal movements. So with the demonizing of Christianity, came other belief systems, (not to be confused with different religions, such as Muslim, Hindu, Etc.,) but those such as the “New Age” which swept through Hollywood and gave credibility and power to the Atheist movement, we have seen hippies and the Jesus freaks, which brought on all is love, and free love, communal living and loving. Some of these have faded into the not so distant past. Each had in common a different theological position and belief. Each had to adjust scripture of the Holy Bible to support their particular agenda and demonize the authority of scripture, now some of the “mainstream” denominations of the Christian faith have caved to the pressure of a progressive, liberal social environment, to support false doctrines, and deny Orthodox Christian doctrine, the two liberal faith movements which are of the same foundation, are “Liberal Theology” and Liberation Theology.” With the separation of several “Mainstream” denominations from Orthodox Christianity we are left with the demonizing of “fundamental, evangelical, faiths, and the most prominent is the Southern Baptists, the Assembly of God, Pentecostal, Wesleyan, Methodists, Lutheran and the Roman Catholic, are but a few. Of course, the major theological result of the reformation is “protestant and catholic. Here in the United States, the latest and most pointed assault on Christianity is the demonization of fundamental evangelical Christians. It is taking its toll with the Christian faith in the United States; it is my studied opinion, that the only sign of standing firm in the faith, is found on Sunday morning, in the sanctuaries of the churches. On occasion, the liberal mainstream media will report on a response from the Vatican.
Our president, the first African-American to be elected to the office of president, a shinning moment in our nation. However, he brings with him the theology of a different salvation. This salvation is called collective salvation or universal salvation. In its definition it denies individual, personal salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It is accomplished when collectively everyone who is going to be saved is saved, then the individual is justified, or receives his salvation. Apparently, in the collective salvation theology is liberation theology, everyone is equal not only in the spiritual sense of orthodox Christianity, where we are all created equal, have equal access to salvation, but it is all inclusive of material, opportunity, freedom, and liberty. I am to assume that it could only be accomplished through a one world government, and religion. The poorest of this nation do not know the poverty of some of the underdeveloped nations, and like water in a giant fish bowl, wealth will seek its level, which will be no wealth, except for the elite political and religious leaders.
If this bit of information is true, and I have no evidence that it is not, President Obama is doing his part, by de-developing our nation, and giving (investing) in the development of other under developed nations. Now I can better understand his motivation because of his Muslim and Liberation Theology background, his own profession of not having his salvation until the universal or collective salvation is accomplished.
It is seen in the re-distribution of wealth in the United States, ignoring the constitutional duties to protect the rights of the citizens, prosecuting those who break the law (our corrupt politicians,) and not prosecuting those who have broken the law, “because it would not be in the best interest of his people,” from the attorney general Holder, who also trumps the constitution and bill of rights.
I will close with this. The Bible teaches that devils and demons know who Christ is, even they do not deny who God is. They simply deny his sovereign holiness as creator, and Lord over all that exists. So now with the coming of still another false gospel that God is all love, and will not condemn anyone to hell, as long as they believe in God, they need not change their lives or nature, they may continue to live as they always live and sin will not send them to hell. Or their sin will not be judged by God, is another confrontation to Orthodox Christian Theology, of course everyone will be judged the righteous and unrighteous alike, and the righteous will be judged on their works. This is a post salvation work of obedience to God.
I will, if not already, be called a racist, intolerant, and “clutching to my Bible and my gun,” as the president so aptly put it. I do clutch my Bible. I am not always perfect, and do the right thing, but should anyone read my, soon to be published. Book will find that I am far from it, and intolerant of other people because of their culture or color, or religion, no, I love them, and only intolerant of their sin, or their doctrine, intolerant of people who want to take advantage of poor, yes, to kill me yes, sin yes, lack of contending for the faith, yes! The people? Only God can change their passion. I am to love them.
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