
Medicare Corruption

 How Deep Does It Go? By: R.S. Helms  2.25.2022 The piece is written and published as a “fiction” article because I am 80 years old and depend on Medicare to pay for a disease that does not go away, it just gets worse.  So, I will tell you a story about my experience with the Obamacare death panels and the legal freedoms of Pharmacies and Insurance providers to change doctor’s prescriptions and scheduling practices, like the death panels that Sarah Palin talked about when Pelosi was passing a partisan National Healthcare Act, without any Republican review, or vote.  It was named Obamacare because it was his bill and he had to make a few adjustments to it for it to pass the muster of the Supreme Court.  It was in fact a socialist scheme to control healthcare and bought and paid for by the big players in the healthcare industry and the DOJ who authorized industry mergers and collaboration (Conspiracy) to take place within the Medicare Network, which was ...
|JUDICIAL WATCH Judicial Watch: New VA Records Document COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports among Veterans; Agency Withholds Detailed Reports; CRT Wording in Vaccine Plan Reposted on Bob’s Commentary … from Judicial Watch – 7.15.2021 By: R.S.Helms (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 75 pages of records from the Department of Veterans Affairs detailing the adverse reactions veterans had to the COVID-19 vaccines. As of April 2021, Veteran’s Health Services reported 895 serious reactions which included: 20 cardiac arrests, 36 strokes, 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 10 heart attacks, and 19 pulmonary embolisms. They also reported over 26,000 less serious reactions. The agency withheld individual report details, citing alleged privacy and related issues. Additionally, the documents included a section focused entirely on race titled “Addressing health inequities.” The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Ap...

Nothing but LAB-RATS

  Go Ahead and Be a Human Lab-rat         Reblogged on Bob’s Opinion from Canada Free Press – by R.S.Helms 7.14.2021       By  Jon Rappoport  ——  July 13, 2021 Graphene meets RNA technology, for Cancer Vaccines (Double Trouble). A s soon as Operation Warp Speed was announced, I made it clear that one of the prime goals was: winning approval for experimental RNA technology. RNA tech had never gotten a green light prior to the COVID vaccine. Why? Because it was highly dangerous. Generally speaking, massive inflammatory response was the issue: the body attacks itself. Acknowledged toxicity of graphene nanoparticles But RNA tech allows new vaccines to be developed faster, easier, and cheaper. Therefore, researchers could claim to discover new viruses at the drop of a hat (without authentic proof), and pharma companies could develop new vaccines (aka genetic RNA treatments) overnight. It became Bill Gates’ and...
  Time to Dig Your Head Out of The Sand! All “WOKE”People & Global Socialists Fake Republicans. Wake Up & Smell the Evil Stench of Socialism!   By: R.S.Helms 7.14.2021     Most posts that criticize conservatives, especially Christian conservatives and seem simply fine with letting someone else do the heavy lifting.   It is just what the adversary wants us to do.   And we fall for the tactics of the Luciferian Party more often than not. Well, people we cannot win this with apathy and fear of ridicule and fall for every fake chaotic crisis made into more than what it really is by the mainstream media.   The first part of the real battle against Socialism began after the reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt.   He, with the hero of Britain PM Churchill, established the United Nations to replace the do-nothing League of Nations.   These two world statesmen framed their new project on Socialism, at the time, it was English Socia...
    Job’s Lament     Dr. Robert Owens Chronicles the History of the Future The future slides into the present the present slides into the past our lives are the history of the future.     about books by dr. owens interviews & speeches outlets for dr. owens’ articles     Job’s Lament January 11, 2021 Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in  Uncategorized . Tags:  corrupt election ,  Dr. Robert Owens ,  election fraud ,  stolen election ,  stolen votes trackback Reblogged (republished) on Bob’s Opinion by permission   ( W aking to the news I’ve predicted all along that the hopelessly corrupted election machine that stole Georgia for Biden has successfully stolen two Senate seats as well, I perceived the dawn of a day I’ve anticipated for at least sixty years.  The veneer of constitutionally limited government is about to fall off the last best hope...

Portland ... What's the Answer?

Portland Rioters Using Coordinated Tactics to Launch Laser Attacks on Federal Officers   Posted Wednesday, August 5, 2020    |    By  Outside Contributor      Epoch Times  by - Mark Tapscott | Portland Luciferian Mob Rule Powerful commercial-grade  lasers  have been used by rioters to hurt more than 100 law enforcement officers protecting the federal courthouse in  Portland  in recent days, according to Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ) senior official  Ken Cuccinelli . “We’ve had more eye injuries from lasers … these are commercially available that you are seeing used now in Portland to a degree that we have never seen before,” Cuccinelli told the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on the Constitution Tuesday during a hearing on Antifa violence in recent months. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is chairman of the panel, while Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) is the ranking minority member. The hearing wa...

Something Is Rotten In America

Something Is Rotten In America What we are witness to is a massive criminal network Ray DiLorenzo Cover Story   By Ray DiLorenzo -- July 4, 2020  ( Bio and Archives) Prologue note by R.S. Helms:  This article is being posted, or rather, reposted from an article found in Canada Free Press newsletter.  I am researching for my sequel to "A Splintered Nation and A Broken Church," the sequel deals with what corruption and evil that has been going on in our nation and in the Christian Church since the 1960s and specifically since the Election of George HW Bush, through Obama leaving office.   This article is for anyone who still has somewhat of a sound mind, common sense, or people who have not been completely brainwashed by our liberal education system or have not lost their moral values and integrity altogether through social and political correctness culture change.  Too many voting Americans are uninformed voters and ...