Manufactured Poverty

TV ad for poverty in third world country

Often, a TV ad will air, showing the extreme poverty in a third-world country; showing some of the children looking bad enough to break the flintiest heart.  Of course, they will, that is what it is designed to do, appeal to the heart and compassion of the viewer.

Getting water for family 
These children are positioned around old nasty water drainage; all are made for TV rag-urchins pleading for your American dollar, which by the way seldom puts adequate food, clean water, clothing, and proper shelter in that outreached hand.  There are wonderful faith-based organizations, which do a great job with global poverty, do not mistake what is being written as a blanket condemnation of all those who are trying to help.  The point is; what is Washington’s idea on stopping the hemorrhaging? 

Look at the federal budget, Washington is throwing money at poverty programs, (more than enough), the problem is, between politicians, bureaucracy, and activists.  Everyone is getting some of the pie, however, where the rubber meets the highway; there is not much pie remaining for the truly hungry.
Project in New Orleans third ward

Why is this?  Could it be that the United States, manufactures poverty in order to control  a voting bloc?   Stay with me now, this is not a critique of  Obama, however, it is a condemnation on every liberal and conservative president since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 when he declared war on poverty in the United States.  Nonetheless, the percentage has risen to nearly 12% of the national population and between 85—90 % of the 12% are illegally sucking up Social Security, many of which, have never worked, not truly disabled, and drawing a paycheck by fraud of some type, (like through ACORN).
Our politicians, (local and national), the civil rights activist, need to have the 12% or higher number to justify their existence.  The politician needs the black vote, the civil rights activist needs an organized black population to exist.  One needs the votes, the other needs to keep the blacks, or a portion of the black community, trapped and unable to break free, so they can continue to receive their “IRS reported” six-figure personal incomes.  That income comes from a non-profit corporation, which has several spin-offs.  It is their responsibility to keep racial tension high, and they do that by whitey not wanting to be called a racist.

Nevertheless, poverty goes far beyond the inner cities and black communities.  It is the total of the Native American, (Indian), it is the Hispanic, (those nationalities speaking Spanish), which have become another voting bloc.  If you notice the Indian is not often considered, is it because the government has them under control? 

The Asian is one of the population's top gainers, however, only as a minority and not so much as a contributor to the poverty problem.  There are other minorities which are minor, and less that .o2% contributor to the poverty.  That leaves us with the white population.  This is the major population group of the United States, however, it is not mentioned in most statistical fact checks, and is illusive in the 2010 official census report and breakdown.

Boarder Town Project Housing
The population of US whites in 2012 was 63%; while the only obtainable white poverty rate was for 2010, and being 9.9% of the white population.  Understand that there was nearly 1.0% growth in overall poverty in the US for 2010 -- 2011, which would give the white population in poverty at over 10%; that means there are a whole lot of hungry whites out there that generally do not qualify for some of the federal “grant” money because of the civil rights emphasis.  That is why it is important for us to realize the need for poverty programs as being white as well as black/Hispanic.

John Kennedy, the Democrat knew he had a problem to address; that is when he championed the civil rights movement for blacks.  Not out of fairness, but out of avoiding a problematic Dr. King the black republican, whom I still hold as the greatest civil rights activist that will ever be; that is when the Democrats picked up the black voters.
Poverty has grown in the black communities, even with the “War on Poverty”.  the Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, NAACP, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and all combined has not changed the ugly face of poverty, only kept an ever increasing division in races, all to the benefit of the politicians and the corrupt civil rights activists, thugs and street gangsters. 

Real poverty has no color, real poverty lives in the smallest of towns, on the reservations, it is found in the rural America, from the Appalachian to the Smoky, the Great Plains, Tennessee Valley, the Swampland of the South,  the Rockies, the deserts of the Southwest.  Poverty is alive and well, so well it is growing,

With the increase in government spending, (now at over a trillion dollars per year), it would be understandable that poverty could be effectively pushed back to eventual oblivion; instead it grows by over one percent a year.  Why is white poverty nearly eliminated from the poverty equation except for political manipulation of the numbers?  Could failed policies, which enable a targeted people group to remain trapped in their situation finally be identified as corrupted and enabling the freeloaders to continue freeloading at the expense of others?

We need, the government to protect, and insure that the impoverished are cared for, not used or taken advantage of by the spineless thugs in the street gangs, by the heartless lazy and uncaring family members who strong-arm the elderly or disabled parents, grandparents, siblings and other family members to get their food stamp card, or Social Security!
We need to redo the programs that are in place, the bureaucracy that administers the programs for the impoverished CITIZENS who are actually destitute or at least actually unable to provide a sustainable, (poverty or above) income.  Then with those laws in place, arrest, convict, and mandate prison time for anyone defrauding the system. Where someone employed by system does not do their job of enforcement, they do jail time as well.  If needed, use some of the billions saved, to build more prisons!
Pre Katrina following instructions 

Fraud is the first step, along with the elimination of community organizers and their organizations, they are a big source of providing the access to fraudulent activities, and maintaining an ongoing division of the races.  The division of races is the key to “manufactured poverty,” and it is past time for congress to honestly look at the various aspects of America’s embarrassment, “poverty.”

 Nevertheless, we have politicians in Washington from both sides of the isle, they are politicians first and both want to control voting blocs so the question is; how do we move forward to fight “manufactured poverty”?  It is not a matter of being called racists; it is a matter of doing the right thing for the truly impoverished souls of our nation.

R.S. Helms


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