Thoughts of
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R.S. Helms |
Yesterday, I wrote a
column on the worse situation that has cast a wicked shadow over Washington
DC. Therefore, it casts its shadow over
the whole US and effects all of us. I
usually spend time going over two to three hundred emails, 50% of which are
advertizements, even from current events news feeds, I go over the news
headlines of four Web sites like MSN, Town Hall, Drudge Report, and Fox News. Now being completely disgusted and feeling a
tad ill, I go back to the Bible and my daily devotional. This brings me back to earth and allows me to
briefly go over Face Book and Tweeter, and see how things are going with my
friends, looking with some anxiety for those who are encouraging and who I love
and care for, I start the task of putting a meaningful column together for an
occasional post.
Last evening, I found a couple really profound and
meaningful devotionals from Dr. Charles Stanley. Truly, in many ways he is America’s
Pastor. If you are so inclined, his “In
Touch Ministries” is where to look for the devotional.
Nonetheless, I found myself being more of a conservative
political activist rather than actually pleasing God. Although I will still write some activist opinions,
of course, I am a conservative political activist, writing what I hope would
make it to some politicians reading list.
However, generally what I write is not what they want to hear or want
their supporters to hear. Nonetheless, I
do give appropriate praise where it is justified.
I believe that we live in a Christian nation founded on
biblical principles, starting with the Ten Commandments. The first four, command and instruct us to
how we are to live in a relationship with God and how to please God; I call these
the vertical relationship commandments.
The following six are given that we may live peacefully among other
human beings. These are what I call the
horizontal relationship commandments.
All ten are simply basic laws, the legal foundation for all free
However, the Ten Commandments, guide a free civilization or
culture, and is the most obstructive element in a tyrannical socialist regime,
and there lay the liberal and progressive ideology’s war on the Christian
faith. Over several decades the
persecution of the Christian faith, has covertly removed critical elements from
our culture; it has as well, added some elements detrimental to our very
In the beginning, the war on Christianity was rather covert,
or stealth in nature with subtle changes, and when noticed for the first time
it became a matter for the Supreme Court, on “separation of church and state”,
unfortunately the Supreme Court changed the intent of the meaning of church and
state. Therefore, anytime liberal and
progressive ideologies face challenges it goes to the Supreme Court to exercise
a misinterpreted First Amendment of our Constitution. I say misinterpreted because they wrongly
interpreted the intent, of church and state.
However, that is a whole other debate, which we may never see in
congress but does go to cause.
I use the term covert or stealth, as the mode of operation
for progressivism in the political and religious elements of our great free
Republic of the United States of America.
Therefore, you can see plainly the intent of our forefathers, as they
set to paper what is the rights and freedoms of our people, and to limit the
size and authority of the government, and in turn allowed more power and
control of the states being more aware regionally, to the needs of the people.
Nevertheless, I will remind you of some of the things that
have resulted in the liberal and progressive quest to satisfy their unquenchable
thirst for money, power, and control of the people, and the size of government. We have lost our values, and played
favoritism to the sinful nature of mankind.
In the beginning, God created all things and nothing was
created that was not created by God.
Fair religious statement I should think.
Which brings me to the discourse on “Who then created evil?” I must stand on my prior statement that God
created all things and nothing was created except by him. Evil was not created, it is the result of
God created the hosts of heaven, all at one time,
genderless, yet a being with a free will, in order that the hosts of heaven my
experience the love of God, and freely choose to love him in return. He created the hosts of heaven in echelons
and at the top was Lucifer; Lucifer then considered himself to be equal if not
higher than God, however, God said no, and Lucifer rebelled and convinced a
third of the hosts of heaven to follow him and not God; evil now entered the
God created man in the image of God, “holy”… however; he
gave man a free will, to choose freely to love and in that love to obey
him. Put them in a utopia, the Garden of
Eden. Gave them one simple law, not to
eat of fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, the tree of life.
Lucifer, referred to as the serpent, deceived the woman, and
caused man to sin, it was then that man fell from his created state of a holy
nature and took on the nature of sin.
Evil, through a little chain of events had entered the world through the
Devil who enticed eve, by appealing to her natural appetites, the fruit looked
good to eat, and then he affirmed the law, (one rule), by twisting what God
actually said. ‘Surly God will not kill
you, but rather, you will become like God, knowing good and evil’.
That is sort of like politicians and charlatan preachers who
first lay blame on someone else then appeal to the sucker constituency, (the
American people -- you and me). They
entice us through our natural appetites.
Just as Satan attempted to sway the resolve of Jesus, he quoted scripture;
he made promises of power and wealth, and enticed him with food.
St. Augustine of Hippo, made the point of the nature of man,
which was elaborated on by John Calvin, but so simple it is often overlooked in
the quest of understanding human nature; human nature is simply put as being “totally
depraved”, another word is evil, debauched, immoral, corrupt, wicked, degenerate,
decadent, dissolute. In Calvin’s theology,
he simply put it as “Total depravity of man”.
The Atheists agree that there exists good and bad, evil and
good, right from wrong. Therefor I
submit that the causation of war is actually the ongoing war against evil. Throughout the history of the Old Testament, wars
ravaged mankind. Right from wrong, good
and evil, when lust for what a man has and another has not, kings and kingdoms
fought over land, wealth and control; it has never deviated from the natural
appetites of man, and we know the condition of man’s fallen nature too well,
total depravity restraint.
To put it bluntly, the ‘holy war’ has been continuous from
the time Lucifer told God he was equal, even above God. From that time the devil has known his fate,
he by necessity, would be the big loser.
Man has the capacity to do well, and demonstrated in the random acts of
kindness, honesty, morality, and helping others in need; one does not need
Christ to do good. One does not have to
be a heathen to do bad, for we all have sinned, (been evil), and come short of
the glory of God, yet Christians have hope in the resurrection of Christ, that
through confession and repentance, I have the opportunity to again be pleasing
to God.
In our modern or postmodern world, we are looking forward,
and not paying attention to the past, unless it is to associate various
positive achievements with what a plan forward would require. When moving forward without an adequate plan
there is failure in achieving the goal.
Its only common sense let alone biblical wisdom, to count the cost, to
build on a firm foundation and more, which reflect the mind of God. An ill devised plan is ruin and reflects the
mind of evil.
Would you hire a contractor to build your new home, and
started work with the wrong set of plans?
No I doubt it, yet we hired a president who has been leading this nation
with the wrong set of plans; his evil plans, to set the nation equal with the
worst in the world.
He is very clever, cunning, charismatic, deceitful, and evil
as his master Satan. Full of self-pride,
and will resort to anything in order to have control. Human nature’s appetites have robed his soul,
and only a third of congress has enough spine to stand up to his ideologies and
agenda to bring the greatest nation to its knees.
Our President continues to press forward with his evil plan
to destroy our free nation, while building on his egotistical pride; he is the
Pied Piper leading his blinded liberal and progressive captives skipping down
the pathway to self-destruction. He does
it by breaking the constitutional law separating the three powers of
government, and a liberal progressive congress too spineless, or too stupefied
to stop him.
Everyone is with the mindset, just hang on, in a year and a half
we will have a new President that will fix the mess. That is stupid thinking, it is the way he
wants them to think, it keeps them divided three or four ways. It is that type of thinking, which will help
him finish what he set out to do; make this a Marxist style socialist republic,
without constitutional liberty and freedom.
He will accomplish making this country equal with the rest of the world,
ready for redevelopment under the authority of the United Nations… (It would not surprise me if Mr. Obama were
not setting the way for him to become the Secretary General of the U.N.).
Does Obama hate the United States? I really do not think he hates the United
States any more than any other nation, however, his actions prove he does not
love or respect the United States, its constitution or its people. Black, white, brown, red, yellow, blue or
purple, Christian, Jew, Reformed Muslim, Gay, Atheist, liberal, or
conservative; just the ones that worship him, and he has been known to throw
them under the Obama bus or feed them to the wolves as needed.
However, taken from the “back when years” there was a radio
show Inner Sanctum Mysteries, the squeaking door and “who knows what evil lurks
in the hearts of men --- The Shadow knows.
Of course, most of your are not going to date yourself, as pre TV … I
don’t mind, they were still on in the 50’s but we were too poor for a TV. Radio, on the other hand, filled my young
head with the horror of evil mankind. I
really didn’t have a reference point of actual relevance until the ministry.
Nevertheless, the question stands, moreover, it comes home
to roost in our liberal and progressive politicians. As for the charlatan preachers, deceived by
their own ambitions preach legitimacy to the Godless aggression of Liberal and
Liberation Theology. The outright false
interpretation of “social justice” as a biblical doctrine of Jesus is not even
close to what Jesus taught, nor the intent of the teaching.
So what evil lurks in the hearts of man? The fruit is in the pudding, it is just that
simple analogy, and the character of the man is measured by what he does. The Bible says that bitter water does not
flow from a sweet spring, nor does a lemon grow on a sweet plum tree. (My paraphrase). Inspect the fruit and you will know what is
in the heart of a person.
To be
continued…. R.S. Helms
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