Jihad, Denying it Don't Change it!

Basic With Islam-- Jihad!

What is happening with Syria?  Is what Obama has done to the United States, actually the possible beginning of World War Three?  It is early on Sunday morning, yes, it is just two minutes after four, although I have been researching material for several days I have not reached a real reason for the United States to become involved in this civil war; other than Obama Saving face and his relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood.

We have two major players in the civil war, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, the President of Syria, and the General Secretary of the Ba’ath Party and regional Secretary of the party’s branch in Syria.  It is the 100,000 or so rebels who seek to ouster the Ba’ath Party and al-Assad from power.
Of that, all are Muslim, with the notable exception of 1% Christian, and 3% Druze,(Hebrew background calling themselves “Monotheists”), nonetheless, the Sunni sect is dominant with 74% of the population.  Shies, (Shi’ah), make up 13% and of that Alawites are the dominant group, although it is made up of several other sects.  

The governing Ba’ath Party is Alawites, which are in control of the 74%, who along with Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Qatar, and Russia, with some additional foreigners thrown into the mix as mercenaries.  The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, (separate group from the Egyptian brotherhood, yet the same), along with al-Qaeda and other Muslim groups are joined by Saudi Arabia in this ouster of al-Assad and his religious and political control.

Both the regime and the opposition forces have the capability and Jihadist values that would allow them, with ease, to gas these people.  If the regime would have been doing the gas murder of all these people, it would have been carried out in another city, like Homs.  The point is, this uprising is only the latest of hundreds since the middle 500 AD.

Moreover, the thing they all have been is religion.  In the Middle East they have been Islam vs. Islam, one sect here and another variation there, all believing in the same central foundation, (pillars), and in general the same thing; but of course, Shari ‘a and the conduct of the various Muslim sub-cultures or tribes and clans of the Middle East and the Western world.

The Christian faith has more sects, (denominations), and at one time, I would think they were just as violent and brutal as Islam, only as time passed and Christians came more and more under the influence of the Holy Spirit, they have settled down some, a whole lot of some.  Nonetheless, I am not about to make excuses for the history of the Christian church, however, I will say this, at this point in time the Christians have (actually) stopped lobbing heads and burning people at the stake!  Over the past 150 years, we have chilled out a good deal.
Islam on the other hand has become one of the bloodiest violent religions on the planet.  Moreover, it makes no difference who they decide to go to war with, it is a genuine blood bath when it happens.  The current conflict, (power war), is no different than in Lebanon, Egypt, and Iran, protests escalating into war, with the rebels being aided financially and weapons all from foreign nations for the purpose of control, under the guise of “democracy” or so-called freedom from a tyrannical dictatorships.

Caliphate (from the Arabic khilafa, is an Islamic state led by a supreme religious as well as political leader known as a caliph ((meaning literally a successor, i.e., a successor to Islamic prophet Muhammad and all the Prophets of Islam. The term caliphate is often applied to successions of Muslim empires that have existed in the Middle East and Southwest Asia.  Conceptually the caliphate represents the political unity of the entire community of Muslim faithful, the ummah, ruled by a single caliph. In theory, the organization of a caliphate should be a constitutional theocracy (under the Constitution of Medina), which means that the head of state, the Caliph, and other officials are representatives of the people and of Islam and must govern according to constitutional and religious law (Sharia). In its early days, the first caliphate resembled elements of direct democracy (see shura) and an elective monarchy.[1]
It was initially led by Muhammad's disciples as a continuation of the leaders and religious system the prophet established, known as the 'Rashidun caliphates'. A "caliphate" is also a state which implements such a governmental system.
Sunni Islam stipulates that the head of state, the caliph, should be elected by Shura  elected by Muslims or their representatives.[2] Followers of Shia Islam believe the caliph should be an imam chosen by God from the Ahl al-Bayt (Muhammad's purified progeny). From the end of the Rashidun period until 1924, caliphates, sometimes two at a single time, real and illusory, were ruled by dynasties. The first dynasty was the Umayyad. This was followed by the Abbasid, the Fatimid, and finally the Ottoman Dynasty.
The caliphate was "the core leader concept of Sunni Islam, by the consensus of the Muslim majority in the early centuries")).  (Credit for the definition is to Wikipedia, the underline score is my own)..

 This is where Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt have been experiencing the battle of caliphate and socialism or communism and the so-called (tyrannical or dictatorship), and is the reason for the Imam of the Muslim communities in the United States and the Western World.  It is also the reason for Obama’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Rebels in the Syrian civil war at present.  
Saudi Arabia, who is anti-caliphate, and for a monarchical state, Russia a socialistic state; both support the Syrian regime and al-Assad, along with Turkey, Qatar, Iran, and others.
What our government is not telling us is how we make the end choice, of being socialist or Muslim caliphate.  Alternatively, is it going to be up to the U.N. who will choose the caliphate, because the power will eventually be theirs; but regardless, if the U.S. continues on the path of progressivism, we as a constitutional federalist republic will no longer be free!  We will no longer be guaranteed our freedom and rights under our constitution, but ruled by the U.N. …
Our legal system is based on the constitution, not on sharia or shariah, (both are correct uses), law of the Quran, nonetheless, in order to appease the Imam of the Muslim communities of the U.S. we have federal and local Judges legally considering shariah law in cases concerning Muslims.  One of the things that is yet to be a “pillar” of Islam is Jihad, if you missed it, here it is again … Jihad,

(Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎ ǧihād [dʒiˈːd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihad translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Within the context of the classical Islam, particularly the Shiahs beliefs, it refers to struggle against those who do not believe in Islamic God (Allah).[1] However, the word has even wider implications.
Jihad is commonly used term for "Holy War", Jihad means "to struggle in the way of Allah". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[2][3][4] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims. A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status.[5] In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.
There are two commonly accepted meanings of jihad: an inner spiritual struggle and an outer physical struggle.[2] The "greater jihad" is the inner struggle by a believer to fulfill his religious duties.[2][6] This non-violent meaning is stressed by both Muslim[7] and non-Muslim[8] authors. However, there is consensus amongst Islamic scholars that the concept of jihad will always include armed struggle against persecution and oppression.[9]
The "lesser jihad" is the physical struggle against the enemies of Islam.[2] This physical struggle can take a violent form or a non-violent form. The proponents of the violent form translate jihad as "holy war",[10][11] although some Islamic studies scholars disagree.[12] The Dictionary of Islam[2] and British-American orientalist Bernard Lewis both argue jihad has a military meaning in the large majority of cases.[13] Some scholars maintain non-violent ways to struggle against the enemies of Islam. An example of this is written debate, often characterized as "jihad of the pen".[14]
According to the BBC, a third meaning of jihad is the struggle to build a good society.[6] In a commentary of the hadith Sahih Muslim, entitled al-Minhaj, the medieval Islamic scholar Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi stated that "one of the collective duties of the community as a whole (fard kifaya) is to lodge a valid protest, to solve problems of religion, to have knowledge of Divine Law, to command what is right and forbid wrong conduct".)  (Again the Wikipedia definition).

 Therefore, we have at least two Muslim ideologies fueling the rebels in Syria, perhaps more, nonetheless, when we consider both players in this war, we do have a root cause of Jihad, however you wish to view it.  Furthermore, it makes no difference how they kill each other, and kill, maim and torture the innocent people of Syria, nor what side of the revolution is guilty of the bloodshed, if the issue is the deaths of the Syrian people why has not the global community put a stop to it before now?  Poisonous gas is only a weapon to them; therefore, if WMD’s is the justification, they need to be destroyed!  

In addition, a limited assault is of no use, only provocation, which the U.S. has no right to do under our constitution.  Nevertheless, it should be the responsibility of the U.N. Security Council, which has already rendered its opinion of the issue.

The United States should not be the military or police of the U.N. nor should it be the paid mercenaries of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sunni Islam, by fighting for al-Qaeda and the Taliban.  It is the global consensus, that the U.S. not strike the Syrian government, even with a so-called “limited strike”, as told to us by this administration. It is likewise the overwhelming consensus of congress and the people of the United States that we not be involved in the Syrian civil war, so why is the administration continuing to campaign for an unconstitutional military engagement in Syria? 

The history of this administration’s involvement goes to the “Arab Spring” foreign policy of the Obama administration.  With the grandiose vision of peace to a region that will never be at peace!  Egypt failed, not by putting in democracy; they already had that to an extent, but they voted in the Brotherhood, the imam of Islam and it failed terribly.  The next real involvement was Lebanon, which has not witnessed many days of peace, and then we have Benghazi Embassy attack; we have yet found the real cause for this al-Qaeda aggression.  

Fact is most of this continued fighting is due to the various factions of Islam applying shariah and that is a fight that will go on and on and on, until the Sunnis kill through justification of Jihad their opposition, which will simply include the world.  It has been going on for over 1700 years, and will continue until Jesus returns.

We missed the opportunity to take out the “huge” stockpile of chemical weapons by not acting quicker with Saddam Hussein; Saddam simply gave or sold them to al-Assad and the Syrian government, but that was G.W. Bush and the democratic congress, and I was a democrat against Bush’s war in Iraq.

The whole issue with this is it all boils down to who is in control of the majority of the world’s oil supply and resources which results in power; of course, it is the Middle East and Saudi Arabia.  Naturally, the Muslims find themselves in the midst of that problem, but with Islam’s shariah, which is theological and political, so do not look for any separation in the two anytime soon; Islam will be no more when that happens.

If we would develop our own gas and oil resources, build the pipeline, we would only have one problem in the Middle East; that would be getting out of there, and stop trying to nation build!  We need to re-build our own nation, immediately cut the federal government by two-thirds, secure our borders  and then limit what we spend in foreign aid, with none to a Muslim country!

What our politicians must do is stop denying Jihad, and learn more about it and the Sunni Islam shariah, do the research and connect the dots.  Stop listening to the rhetoric of “we will hunt down those responsible” which now is “we will hunt down the ones who CARRIED out this monstrous act and have them face justice”.  We need to assign a special prosecutor and go after the politicians here who are responsible, then remove them from office in disgrace!  Benghazi murders are tied directly to Obama and his administration, just as is Brian Terry’s murder tied to Eric Holder and Obama’s gun running policy, it happened to Nixon it should happen to Obama.


Thanks … R.S. Helms


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