Have You Considered HAARP?


Bob’s Opinion … rshelms.com

R.S. Helms – 11.04.2022


With the upcoming mid-term elections for 2022, now nearly here, the Democrats have nothing to campaign on, nothing positive for the American people.  The double-down continuation of Obama Policies has been disastrous, and the 2009 Obama hate campaign, to start dividing the house as a house divided against itself cannot stand.  In thirteen years, Obama has managed to divide every area of our meager lives, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic he wanted our obedience and our children, thus the vac issue, then mandating children get the jab.

The border security has been a disaster, crime – out of control, naming white Christian male patriotic conservatives as ‘home-grown terrorists,’ parents attending schoolboard meetings as terrorists, mostly in relation to the moral standards of board policies, or the CRT and WOKE educators.  Obama continues to abuse Joe Biden, Obama’s scapegoat front-man President, and at times I have fleeting moments of compassion for Joe Biden, he is not physically nor, mentally fit to be the president of the greatest nation on earth.  Democrats have nothing to run on, and they knew it could come down to a dire situation.  Climate change, abortion, and J-6 are not big issues with the voter.  Climate change is an issue that only rates low importance to the voters, but they have let it take a front point along with Abortion and the J6 commission. 

Now let me give my studied opinion on one issue that I started researching during COVID, as the west was burning down and drought had spread to most agricultural states, earthquakes had increased, Tornados have become more destructive, floods more violent, and hurricanes bigger and more destructive and droughts more critically placed and deep.

Since 1993 there has been a research project conducted and financed by the Air Force, and Navy, University of Alaska (taxpayers), a benign study for improved radio communication worldwide, or at least that is what they have been trying to sell the people.  We already had substantial theories about ‘chem-trails’ and weather control by seeding the clouds, so that would not be important anymore, but the 1993 project is and, it is my studied opinion, that it is the most dangerous, powerful weapon of mass destruction the world has seen.  It is called HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Program), and what is not a conspiracy theory is the known and unknown capabilities established by the Government’s HAARP.  Some of the capabilities leaked at various times by oversight, and some of the most dangerous aspects have been kept secret such as mind control.  I do know that there are now more antennas and control centers world-wide, we will have to wait until conservatives have control before we will ever know for sure, but meantime I have been researching the research being conducted by the scientists who are trying to find out the truth about this monstrous geophysical weapon’s capabilities.  I have no problem with developing weapons to ensure the security of our nation but, if they are being used against the citizens of our nation, or innocent people of the world that would be a most grievous crime.  It seems that most of the time that the government tries to engineer a new weapon they really mess it up like they did with LSD, Agent Orange, a host of chemical agents that had to be destroyed years later.  Not least is the development of SARS CoV-2 or COVID-19.  Was developed as a gain of function and had to be moved to Hunan and cooperation with the CCP, However a strain of the SARS CoV-2 was released on the world at a specific time resulting in the global pandemic and the chaotic reaction of the people who were abused by their government with lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, lockdown of the schools, forced vaccine for first responders and law enforcement, forced if they wanted to keep their jobs; but most of all it was used initially by the Democrats to interfere with the election and cover the Obama organized fraud but the end result is vile death of millions upon millions of innocent people who were being used as human guinea pigs for vaccine, treatment, testing and contamination. 

One other capability of HAARP is messing with the human brain waves, there is 5(?) waves of the brain, going from 0.3< Hz and 31>Hz.  Some HAARP researchers reveal 0.0Hz through 40MHz, @ 3.6Megawatts pushing the signal well into the ionosphere, exciting the ions and heating the ionosphere and upper parts of the atmosphere, including the Van Allen belts.  In this process they  are able to strengthen and shape the signal and bounce it back to earth, although, I don’t think HAARP has been used (yet), for mind control on humans but, perhaps different areas of the nation’s wildlife such as the bears in the Northeast and other areas have shown a dramatic increase in aggression, and the lion population has been more aggressive so it is something to keep our eyes open to.

California has been in a drought for decades, while other western states have been in and out of them for as long as I can remember, one thing that I do remember is our systems of dams and irrigation as Utah and Idaho, Arizona, and most of the high country use to keep their livestock and fields going through dry summers.  But for the last couple of decades, the droughts just keep getting longer and deeper.  And the quality of water has become a Democrat talking point, as they promote climate change.  True, there is climate change, just as there always has been since God put his natural laws into effect, so every so many seasons the earth goes through surface heating and cooling, which is why we find evergreen forests and various fossils frozen in melting glaciers.  The minuscule amount of contamination is not the cause, nor is fossil fuel, nor cow gas, but our landfills, sewage treatment, or in some places none.

With the deliberate destruction of our economy, our energy independence, our supply chain, our border security, and the massive divisions of every aspect of our society, Kennedy overcame segregation and Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat south.  Johnson signed into law the Kennedy brothers Civil Liberties Act with some changes, then came Affirmative Action, Black Lives Matter, LGBT++ and WOKE, there are more critical issues than race, homosexuality, just add to the reasons we are in the condition this country is in.  We are supposed to be the leading nation of the free world, instead of being the “laughingstock” of the free world, but we voted evil into office, perhaps .  But let us not get too far afield but look at how our government enabled our Defense Department to fund the engineering and development of the world’s most dangerous geophysical weapon of mass destruction, climate/weather control, and psychological manipulation.  Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Yes, that is what they call it, and try to dismiss research scientists and researchers as radical rightwing nut cases, but there is much more evidence, even official statements, and records that prove the climate change hoax, and prove the reality of HAARP capabilities.

Now I find myself asking just what capabilities HAARP actually has, and other than making hurricanes bigger, more powerful, more destructive, … tornadoes more destructive and in places that historically sees very few, and yes more and bigger wildfires.  Could it be, that since HAARP, chem-trails, GMO seeds, and corporate farming, we have mastered the art of weather and mind control?  It is my studied opinion that HAARP and our government has been using technology and environmental manipulation capabilities to control our people.

Could it be, the reason that the prolonged Atlantic hurricane season and two hurricanes in Florida and Gov. DeSantis rejecting Obama policies and mandates from Biden?  Just a thought, but a thought that would make the possibility of the socialist shadow government using this technology against its own people or political foes probable; do you not think so?

However, the issue has only been addressed as “global warming” and fossil fuels, of course.  From the time of George HW Bush, the implementation of Agenda 21, has as one of its core is sustainable development, so, with Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43, we the people have been treated to a slow progressive change, however, with the installation of Barack Hussein Obama, the socialist direction of our nation completely came out of the closet, and according to the policies, war on fossil fuels and Obama Acts passed by Congress like “Obamacare,” the failed socialist healthcare, and renewable energy, global warming (climate change), GMO seeds and foods, corporate farming, and unpresented global warming, to be redundant, the main ingredient to the UN Agenda 21 pillar of ‘sustainable development.’

Al Gore not only ‘invented the internet’ but the one thing he did invent and ran for president against Bush 43, was the crisis of global warming, but Bush won, and we had 9-11, and the revenge war in Iraq against the man Saddam Hussein who tried to assassinate Bush 41 “daddy,” based on the weapons of mass destruction, then came Barrack Hussein Obama, the world class community organizer from Chicago who actually ran on change, “Fundamental Change to America” and used the his superior skill of Community Organizer to divide race, religion, and class like no one had ever done, he during the second term built a socialist led bureaucracy and installed Biden-Harris as his front presidency and scapegoats for his failed socialist policies.

Obama was able to use the race card to divide and conquer which, he almost did, he must have thought that he could become the dictator of the North American Union when he built his civilian army, which he managed to do, and the reason for the vile hate manufactured by the left toward Trump and the deplorable’s from the real election denier Hillary.

Besides the pandemic, the mother of all frauds using a bioweapon, world panic, untested vaccine mandates, total shutdowns, and the death of millions of people, but with other lesser distractions HAARP was able to be well hidden, with little exposure and additional facilities developed all under the guise of studying the aurora borealis which meant research into all layers of our atmosphere to include the electromagnetic field.  We were sold the cover to be able to communicate with submarines anywhere in the world. What was discovered was another means to control the weather beyond anything considered plus an opportunity to develop a geophysical weapon, so after the research scientists realized how they could use the high frequency and they could heat the ionosphere and control weather; what other capabilities did this innovative technology hold?

Any inquiry into HAARP technology is automatically brushed aside as a “conspiracy theory” so it has been something ignored and brushed aside.  However, the next time you see stories and pictures of Lake Mead, Powell, the Colorado River, Mississippi River, all drying up, wells that tap the ground water for communities drying up and they blame Climate Change; ask yourself about HAARP and is this what is going on so the UN communists can change America? 

Lend an ear and do your research so you can answer.  Anyone with half a brain should be able to see the fake radicalism on both sides of the argument.  Oh yes, Amy Klobuchar (D) Mn.  Said or suggested, “voting for Democrats will help stop hurricanes.”  The question is, what does she know about stopping hurricanes?  (ref. US news Daily Mail).  Could it be that it has worked and works well, extremely well, the last couple of years?  Droughts and food shortages, then with the pandemic mandates, we lost most of the production and processing, and delivery (the food supply chain). 

Now just days out from polling, the left is doubling down on climate change fake science and news, headed up by NOAA, (National Weather Service/The Weather Channel), Aculeate, ABC, CBS, Daily Mail, Washington Times, WSJ, MSN, and all the conspiracy theorists, so you need to read both sides to be able to obtain as much of the truth as possible.  Do the climate is changing? Yes, but it is partly natural, and NOT Fossil Fuels, NOT Cow Gas, pollution yes, but not what the left and the UN have been trying to sell us.

Whenever conservatives try to point out the truth about HAARP, we are automatically called radical conspiracy theorists and want to classify us as terrorists.  Well, I have been on this old sod for over eight decades, been through the military, and know a thing or two about a few things, and when I research something, I first check out the source, and then who publishes their information. 

If our government will collude with China to release a Bioweapon (SARS-CoV-2 … COVID-19 Pandemic) on the world and then mandate a worldwide death Vaccine, resulting in millions of deaths and the present economic crisis, would not hesitate to use the world's most dangerous geo-weapon HAARP, on the people worldwide as a means of left political control over the people of the free world.  People suffering from WOKE, Mainstream media, and the socialist of the two party system would simply wake up and really research the HAARP capabilities and true if it is defense of the nation, then keep it secret, but that is going to be hard to do, as that technology has already sold to CCP (China) and Russia, perhaps I am wrong but I don’t think so, if they do, then what they do have is only a fraction of the real capabilities we have.  All I want is some of the America loving politicians to have oversight on how this beweapon is used.

Why, oh why would it be used for droughts? Floods? When they could be reversing the terrible weather effects?  Just asking.  Perhaps the socialists are using it to push climate control over the top.  Again, and instead of owning the lie, they deny the facts, and try to tell us that it is completed science, and it is an Obama drop the mike

Pray for God’s Grace during these times of famine, droughts, and severe weather bouts.  Pray God reveals the truth about HAARP and its part in the Coup d’état that is led by Obama for the UN.  God grant us grace, heal Your Church, and Our Land.


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