Sustainable Development and How It Affects You
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June 2020 Newsletter
Table of Contents
Editorial on the Condition of America as the Deep
State Goes into Scorched Earth Mode
The Media and the Deep State-One and the Same
Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President
Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now
Short summary of Agenda 21 and the goals
and tactics of the Progressive Globalists (useful as a tutorial for anyone new
to the topic)
Editorial on the
Condition of America as the Deep State Goes into Scorched Earth Mode
The Deep State has wrung out as much societal
change from their social (in)justice and climate (in)justice efforts as they
can and it is now time to up the ante. For this the Deep State must remove its
mask, change tactics, and create anarchy far and wide.
Make no mistake we are in a fight to the death
for the survival of a free and prosperous America.
That The Deep State has for decades been
attempting to destroy America, but until now, the efforts have been done in
such a way that only the tuned in citizen, like you, understood the true
objective. Those times are over. That said it is important to continue to
resist the efforts by the Deep State to use the COVID 19 Plandemic and the death of George Floyd (and
all future African American deaths by cop) to advance United Nations Agenda for
the 21st Century and the ultimate takeover of the globe, its people, and
its wealth.
These two events,
COVID 19 and George Floyd, were simply crises, which were too good to be
allowed to go to waste-and they have born terrible and evil fruit.
The Deep State has used the COVID 19 Plandemic to further weaken our Constitution.
Using the logic that safety is more important than liberty, governors, both
Democrat and Republican, undermined our constitutional right to Freedom of
Religion, Speech, Assembly, and Property.
COVID 19 has been used to justify contact
tracing, which permits surveillance of the average citizen.
The Deep State has used the COVID 19 Plandemic to further damage the already
weakened education system.
The Deep State has used the COVID
19 Plandemic to further the lie that not working, while getting “free
money” from the government, is a good thing because it allows the citizen to
stay at home and “increase
their Happiness Index”. In other words, try
Socialism, and you’ll like Socialism. The fact this strategy for running a
country will destroy our economy is of no import.
The Deep State has used the COVID 19 Plandemic to cause many people to be
separated from jobs-many which provided health care. If these citizens do not
reconnect with these jobs or others, which do provide health care, this will
only increase the drum beat for Universal Health Care.
The Deep State has used the COVID 19 Plandemic to demonstrate just how easy it is
to use a health emergency to justify immense cruelty to one of our two most
vulnerable (and in the minds of the Left, the most expendable) segments
of society; the elderly. Terrible COVID 19 policies lead to the deaths of
thousands of our elderly trapped in nursing homes. Equally evil is the reality
that every single senior trapped in those nursing homes was at the mercy of the
health care workers in their facilities. They had no access to friends or
relatives to act as their health care advocates or just to provide desperately
needed solace. It is hard to imagine anything more evil than condemning the
elderly, through no fault of their own, to die without their loved ones by
their sides. (Ditto for anyone trapped in a hospital setting for non-related
COVID 19 health issues-to which I can personally attest).
And then there is the obvious hit to a
once-booming economy causing immense financial destruction and personal tragedy
to those deemed “non-essential workers”.
The over-reaction and inept handling of the
virus by politicians and health care technocrats is what should have started
riots in the streets.
Instead the Deep State using George Floyd’s death
created the riots in the streets. Like a
fat, evil spider the Deep State sat in wait for a situation like the one
provided by George Floyd’s death to continue to damage our economy and society,
destroy law and order, create an even tighter lock-down on freedom of speech,
religion, and assembly, all while sowing ever-deepening divisions between races
with the ultimate goal of total anarchy in the streets and the take down of
We are now a society dangling over a cliff.
Whether we fall will be decided by which side, the good or the evil, will
The only thing that makes sense is the Deep
State is terrified of the reelection of Donald J. Trump.
Can you imagine a Donald Trump reelected in
2020 with no constraints because he does not need to worry about being
reelected in 2024. He will be truly free to create policy without worrying over
much about its political ramifications.
There is no way the Deep State can afford to
take any chances Trump will be reelected. They must secure the minority vote,
destroy the once-booming Trump economy, and create enough chaos to cause Trump
to make a misstep.
The solution is we must stand firm by saying
Black Lives Matter BECAUSE All Lives Matter.
We must not allow any segment of our society to
have greater protection under the law than other segments.
We must not bow down to anyone but God and to
Him we must pray for guidance and deliverance.
We must put pressure on the Republican Party to
push back against COVID 19 policies, if they do not take into account what
those policies do to the economy.
We must also put pressure on the Republican
Party to push back against and prosecute the various entities (Black Lives
Matter, Antifa, etc), who are funding and orchestrating the riots and causing
seditious anarchy in our streets.
We must proudly present America for the land of
opportunity it has always been. It is up to us, the citizen, to counter the
lies branding America as racist from inception and always on the wrong side of
We must support in any way we can the
reelection of Donald J. Trump; donate, go to Trump rally’s, talk to our
neighbors, family, and friends, put up yard signs, bumper stickers, and vote
Finally no matter what, we must not be afraid
to speak the truth. It is bad enough the Left wants to censor us. It is even
worse, if we self-censor. To do so is to be complicit in the effort to destroy
The Media and
the Deep State-One and the Same
This short Facebook video does a
really great job of summarizing the politics surrounding Black Lives Matters
and those who gain power and wealth by escalating minority rage. To learn about
this along with other relevant points please click on this link. (Please note before watching the language is not
always meant for polite society.)
Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and
evil playing out right now
The struggle against globalism and
socialism/Marxism is not just a political one. Possibly more importantly it is
a spiritual one.
Please take a few minutes and
read in its entirety this extremely powerful letter from the Archbishop Carlo
Maria Viganò, which spells out what is at stake in this winner take all
fight for our global freedom and eternal life, by clicking on this link.
If you find this newsletter of
value, please consider forwarding it to others or direct them to the upper left
side of the site,, where the monthly newsletters are archived. Also,
please note just above the link to past newsletters on the home page is the
location for important “Hot Topics” articles, which may be of interest to you.
Thank you.
Respectfully submitted, Eileen
summary of Agenda 21 and the goals and tactics of the Progressive
Globalists (useful as a tutorial for anyone new to the topic)
The goal of the 300 page 1992 United Nations
Agenda for the 21st Century treaty (also called Agenda 21, sustainable
development, Agenda 2030, and now the Green New Deal) is to control all of the
human behaviors of all the humans across the globe. To accomplish this the
Progressives all around the globe have been for many decades creating ways to
control what you do, how you do it, where you go, how you get there, what you
think, what you say, where you live, how many children you can have, and on and
The three primary tools used to
accomplish this are called the 3 E’s; social equity/justice (identity politics and political correctness= politics of revenge and hate), economic equity/justice (socialism and communism), and environmental equity/justice (Global Warming/Climate Change and other environmental issues).
The Progressives are using the 3 E’s to do the following.
- Destroy our traditional Judeo Christian values.
- Destroy the traditional family unit.
- Replace capitalism with Socialism, Communism, or Fascism.
- Destroy our Constitution/legal system to create chaos and anarchy.
- Destroy our sovereignty through regionalism and elimination of borders.
- Entice, regulate, and eventually force all citizens out of the rural areas (Wildlands Project) and into super large and densely populated, regulation-rich “human settlements” where transportation is limited to bicycles, mass transit, and walking-unless you are one of the elite. Even as you read this our large progressively controlled cities are being transformed in order to be ready to accommodate the influx of humans forced into the cities by sustainable development policies using a strategy called Smart Growth. Once the majority of citizens are situated in the massive cities, services to the areas outside of the cities will cease allowing those areas to be rewilded.
This entry was posted in Newsletters and tagged anarchy, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, COVID 19, George Floyd, racism, Social Engineering. Bookmark the permalink.
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