Guess Crow Tastes Rather Foul

How do I write such disappointment in the way the “Republicans” have rallied and responded to the critical need to get out and vote?  Like my last post indicated: “You can stand in a garage, but that does not make you a Cadillac, and you can call yourself a Christian Patriot by that don’t make you a Patriot or a Christian.  what the voting is showing is that there is one thing for sure, we either have more socialist than ever thought or the Christian Patriots are more apathetic than they pretend to be.

I am sure that there was a ton of voter fraud and rigged polling stations even hacked stations, otherwise, we would not have lost and that is a hard-studied opinion, (I’ll leave the evidence gathering to other, better equipped, smarter people than me). 

I will have to live with a loss if indeed that is the case and try hard not to go burn down my neighborhood, although that is what the Democrats would do.  I will try to contain my disdain for liberalism and just plain evil people and communicate with the Freedom Caucus and hopefully, my Representative will still be there, even if we lose the House.

If we do wind up with the loss and by some miscarriage of grace, Nancy Pelosi retakes Speaker we won’t be that much worse off than when Ryan and the RINOs were in place.  What it means is that everything Trump started and wanted to start will go up with a poof. 

I don’t think Trump will resort to telling the people “I have a phone and a pen.”  I don’t foresee massive parades of conservative women marching nude, or costumed as giant vaginas, and riots burning down poor neighborhoods.  You do understand, conservative women have more self-respect than does the liberal socialists.

Notice, I have already started to control my deep disdain.  My overwhelming disappointment is much harder to control, so, I will attempt to confine most of my writing to concern liberalism in the church and how liberal politics and liberal theology has broken the Church.  I do believe I will rewrite some of my previous posts on the Seven Sins, on the Seven Churches, on Liberal Theology and Biblical Systematic Theology.

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and the Bible where God reveals Himself to us His creation, perhaps in our fever to see this nation fixed we have somehow begun to drift from God’s leadership.  Perhaps, just perhaps, we need to keep God in His rightful place, the center of our lives and not move Him to the side while we attempt to fix our corrupted Nation, we should not lose our passion for fixing our nation and removing the evil corruption in politics but be the vessel which He uses to fix the Church. 

Perhaps, He may know they have to be done at the same time, or what progress is made in one will be negated by the other.  If we fix the Church, corruption will negate the fix with just the same way they originally broke it.  If the nation is restored, then the liberal theology church will pander to the liberal socialist politicians and put them back in power to save their sinful, vile disgusting imitation of true Christianity. 

My battle is a Holy War, one of which I know the end, but these battles I fight are two fronted yet the same battle against liberalism.  The fronts of political socialism and the vile liberalism that has broken the Christian church in America and the western free world and some battles we win and some we don’t.  Of course, we have been fighting this Holy War since Adam sinned against God in the Garden of Eden, sure there are those who will blame Eve, but she was simply the vehicle of Temptation it was God who instructed Adam thou shalt not, assuredly Eve was there and heard as well, However, it was Adam who was accountable for the sin, not the help-mate God provided. 

Oh yes, God provided a help-mate … not a slave or rug – And that will preach very well, not as the liberal Christians have tried to use it against men and the church for forever.  Liberalism has mocked the Word of God (Bible) and misused and abused it to the point that they have taken away the inerrancy, infallibility, Authority and divine inspiration.  Oh, and those who still “cling” to the Bible are some sort of back-woodsy folks of antiquity believing in an antique fantasy. 

Liberal theology like liberal socialism is the weapon used by global socialists who apparently want to get ahead of God’s plan for a one-world Government, God’s plan reveals the Beast and the Anti-Christ.  Liberalism wants to establish a Global Socialist Union before they put on display the Anti-Christ who will sit on the throne in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.  Power, Wealth, and a socialist Satanic religion.  However, it won’t happen until God’s time.

So, as in the title of my last post, “You can stand in a garage but, it doesn’t make you a Cadillac; You can call yourself a Christian Patriot, but it doesn’t make you a Patriot and it doesn’t make you a Christian.” 

Unless we like eating Crow pie, we have to arrive at the point of being both, arriving (Arrive – verb – reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.)  being a verb implies action, ah yes action like in the Christian community it would signify fruit, or good work for the Lord. For the patriot non-Christian their journey begins when they open their eyes to the brainwashing and the tactics used by liberalism to control Government, Taxes, Jobs, lives, lives dependent on a socialist government. 

That journey as great and noble is a war against the ideologies of socialism and the ideologies of a free market, the free market of a free and sovereign nation, the leader of the world, with a constitutional government, a great nation, a world power, a nation divided by liberalism and at war with itself.  This Journey of the patriot is battling the liberal socialist corruption and globalism and the politicians and a critical partner in the journey Christians are fighting against liberalism.

In our bull-headedness over the past 60 or so years, non-Christians and Christians have been at odds over a lot of seemingly non-relevant issues, and the two groups bump heads often about the issue of Christian moral values and principles which of course, is what the founders built the nation on … the Christian principles is why the rest of the world and our own people called us a Christian nation. 

A survey conducted on the streets of various cities and towns across our nation, cities and towns involved not in politics but a bonified poll for demographics research by a major seminary.  In the late 90s they asked random people of all ages beginning at the age of 12, The seminary pollsters found that over 90% of the people responded … “Christian,” when asked what religion they were … and gave this answer when asked how they knew they were Christian? … “Because I am American.”  This changed the way I witnessed to people I met.  I don’t know how many of those people were actually Christian, don’t much care about their motivation for saying they were Christian because they are Americans because that was not the point now was it?  Point is, it took nearly two decades before people were brainwashed by liberal lies that we are not a Christian nation.

Nonetheless, most of that patriotic Christianity has been nearly washed away with 6 or so decades of decaying morals and patriotism which condition is rooted deep in the 60s, but over the past 4 decades has simply been beyond belief especially with Hillary Clinton and Obama.  It is when the Republicans and Democratic radicals attempted to flip the parties to socialism, global socialism.

I believe that the Democrat party actually has gone socialist or even communist while the Republicans have, in part, failed to turn the party but left groups of socialists and globalist.  Most people call them RINOs, and ‘never Trumper’s, but even they are not as vile and disgusting individuals.  Thing is, we have a whole generation (millennials) with the majority in bankruptcy, moral bankruptcy.

Moral bankruptcy, and everything in between evil and vile demonic.  Problem is, it has been a total Holy War against true Christianity and against America itself.  These people are under some delusion, some evil delusion.  The leaders and politicians simply think they are above the law.  The press has lost all integrity and ethics … simply making up what they want and say and when called on it, it is something they claim a source even anonymous sources, and they sell their lies off as truth.  The press is nothing more than gossips, and propaganda for monetary gain or political favor.

Stay tuned, as I examine the broken church, with an occasional political issue or story as our patriots uncover and confront the evil that seeps from the politicians and sub-culture groups.  Groupies flocking around protests for a ten-spot even violent acts, and a lot of wide-mouth fakers who just happen to show up at a lot of events, what is it they call them?  Ah yes, crisis and protest paid performers.

Thanks for reading

R.S. Helms


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