It's Finished!
Now I am looking of a good Agent.
Splintered Nation and A Broken Church is a book which will hopefully encourage
the reader to get involved in restoring our nation to an independent sovereign
Constitutional Republic. You must admit
that our nation has been on a very long journey towards its demise, what
started out to be a sovereign Constitutional Republic, with the founders being
Protestant Christian, putting in place moral values, integrity, a Constitution
demanding and guaranteeing freedom, equality, and a limited government for the
people and by the people. The book sort
of hop-scotches through the research concerning the history of our politics and
political corruption, resting at times on some major misconceptions and turning
points as corruption consumed the political landscape of our nation.
you find yourself wondering how and why we find our nation in the state that that
it is? know when it started, know how
simple political rivalry turned into political parties, with specific
ideological agendas and how those agendas evolved into one global liberal
socialist party, or socialism the new face of the Democratic Party. A long progression and evolution since its
founder Andrew Jackson. With the
election of Lincoln, a former Whig turned Republican to get elected, the
Republican Party gained it permanency as most Whigs went Republicans. Nonetheless, both parties are corrupt and the
common link of corruption is illicit gain both monetary and political
power. The book explores the fullness of
intent for their corruption and vile behavior, their vile corrupt conspiracy to
control the people.
and power have established the Shadow Government that is a huge and grossly
oversized bureaucracy of unelected officials, departments and agencies that
control the people by regulations, the Shadow Government is protected by
corrupt politicians of both parties, primarily the global socialists… the new
face of the Democrat Party. President
Trump ran with the Ideal of draining the Swamp, thinking it meant both the “Deep
State” and corrupt Congress. However,
the Swamp is the corrupt Democrats and the RINOs who have moved in the
direction of money and political power.
The size of our government is a mockery of what the founders envisioned
in the Constitution. The book looks at
the liberal conspiracy against the Protestant church since the 1960s and why should
the liberals with the objective of taking control of the nation and now the
ultimate objective of a North American Socialist Union and a powerful part of
the Global Socialist Union. Research has
revealed problematic conditions existed that could not be ignored but must be
eliminated or made of no relevance, and that is where Protestant Christianity
comes into the picture. The church is
broken into two main theologies, liberal and evangelical or liberal and
biblical theologies, regardless, the research reveals the division which
liberal theology denies, the truth of the Bible it teaches about sin. The Bible is the basis of our moral values,
integrity and the character of our culture is Christianity. However. from the time of Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s United Nation’s Charter and the liberal activists of the 1960s
exposes the real conspiracy of socialism 2009-16 as it was accelerated by
Barack Obama, or Barry whatever the only President in our history who demonized
the Bible believing Christians.
research links politics and the church.
It also links the Civil Liberties Act, originated with the Kennedy brothers,
then the assassination of John allowed Johnson to implement the Act and take it
for his accomplishment and opening the door for minority groups such as the
ACLU, LGBT, NAACP, Communist Party of America, and the liberal Press, Nation of
Islam, all of which were recruiting people groups for Democrat votes. All a little pushy and all joining in against
the church, the Second Amendment, law enforcement, border security, The Boy
Scouts, the Military, our Flag and all patriot or Christian expression even Christian
cake decorators. However, it was the
church and Christian values, ethics, integrity woven into the American
Dream. The use of political correctness
and the freedom of speech is for liberals only.
Black-white-red-yellow-whatever, racism is the biggest tool in the
liberal box, intolerance and sexual abuse, (the most hypocritical tools) and
further against the church is the favorite of bigotry and a fantasy God and
fantasy religion. A lie is now the
truth, and vile activity including thuggery violence and breaking the law is
only wrong if you are a Christian or conservative.
really accelerated since George HW Bush and his push for the socialist union
and the UN. There has never been a viler
and more lawless as Bill and Hillary Clinton, then George W. with his revenge
war on Iraq, when he should have gone to Afghanistan. Obama brought a new
attempt to destroy the nation in civil unrest, and violent thuggery. The real
eye opener is in research, not what is reported in the “Mainstream News” and
liberal social networking. Researching
exposes links, and it is up to the researcher to explore those links, see where
your candidate stands then vote, and yes, your vote does count. Secondly, by the nature of the beast proper
research will give the individual an opinion, and everyone needs a studied
opinion to help discern the players and the direction they are headed. I pray the book encourages you to research
and be educated enough to protect your mind against the onslaught of evil
wrong, against the socialist agenda for your freedom. In this book I hope you find enough material
to spark your interest to step back and do your own research. Stand for the truth and don’t compromise on
the truth or your faith, even though they call you closed minded, therefore,
you won’t be suckered into believing the lies.
When you
reject the truth, you will believe lies.
You will become a slave to liberal socialism.
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