The Gulf Coast Flood Crisis
R.S. Helms 8-30-2017

Thinking of the victims.

First,and foremost … I send my prayers and deepest heartfelt sympathy to the victims who have been adversely effected by this storm, and a special prayer for the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this catastrophic storm, May God comfort you during your mourning and grief.

Truly, a disaster that that may show a truer picture of America, and who Americans are.

I know nothing about the word disaster that could have any sort of a good side.  However, the Bible says: All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose” Rom.8:28.  Every dark cloud has a silver lining, which simply means that it is our attitude that shapes how we respond to things that are not pleasant.  Instead of looking at what good could come from bad situations we stay focused on the negative, which prolongs our recovery and drastically reduces our objective thinking.

Living along the Gulf Coast, in Huston, or perhaps Port Author, Galveston, down to Freeport don’t mean that the people are bad or more sinful than any other part of the world.  It does not mean God is punishing them for voting for Trump, (as some TV people say.) God’s natural laws allow for storms such as this to form, they have been doing it since the time of Noah, and foul weather, even extreme weather serves its purpose in nature, some disagree but that is why we are Americans, and we need so desperately to reclaim what is the core of our American culture and character.

This storm…  Harry, the press has all but forgotten all devastated areas except Huston, and Port Author, in terms of airtime, like the weather channel is more concerned about counting Huston raindrops, regardless of how big of a story it is, but it does not warrant 90% of the air time less commercials.  Truth is Huston and Port Arthur are part of the same area, and more people involved and more likely to blame the storm on Global Warming or Trump voters, both are FAKE News.

An update and notifications is more than sufficient to keep one’s mind on the negativity of such a horrific event.  But one thing they cannot miss, is the total display of what it means to be American.  And this is one event that proves liberalism wrong.  That the American spirit is still very much alive, regardless what you see on TV and the internet.

People of all colors and creeds helping people of all color and creeds.  And the liberals are going nuts over the unity of American people in the time of real crisis.  Meanwhile, in California ANTIFA is showing what terrorism is all about, and the democrats are only a few loud mouth’s away from self-destruction.  It is not only in Huston, it is all of the flooded areas.   

But the Unity of people coming together to help other people are more than locals, they are coming from all over the US to help.  Organizing all over the US to pitch in and help out those in need, even Israel is sending what they can in search and rescue.  That need is going to last for months if not years, and it will be there.  Only the far-right terrorist groups like ANTIFA and the Skinheads, will be rioting, with the far-left terrorist groups like the BLM, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, LGBT, and illegal alien thugs will be terrorizing the streets.  Others will join the effort to help those in need. 

All of the above mentioned should be classified as “Terrorist Organizations,” like Obama put “Evangelical Christians on the Terror Watch List.

Through the education, and workplace unions, and people like the black racist Sharpton, and leftist civil liberties activists, they have moved the hatred between the races, religion, and now the American history.  But they could not keep the lid on brotherly love and caring people left and right. Black and white, when situations like Katrina, Sandy, and now Harvey, people really show the American Spirit, they forget about the press and unite, people helping people… Americans helping Americans. 

This time was at a time of total division on all fronts, while the apex of hatred rages across the nation the destruction of the nation suffered a catastrophic blow by the real American value of ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ That Christian-American value has no color, creed, nor political party, and regardless of how the political progressives have come against the American values, the deep values of our fellow citizens who love this nation and the American people has shown through the darkness of liberalism, once again.

There is no justification greater for the outpouring care and giving, than what was witnessed during this tragic and devastating crisis.  Although the liberals are giving their greatest efforts to do what they do best switch and bait through the corrupt media, and phony corrupt politicians, liberal and RINOs trying to get air time and nudging the liberal agenda of hate and racism to overshadow what America is all about. 

Peel back the layers of years of propaganda and dumbing down of Americans, we can see the racist history of the Democratic party in history, with the Democratic South, being the main players of the Confederate States of America, and the main players of keeping the Jim Crow laws in the south after reconstruction, and flip flopping of Kennedy, and Ted, on civil liberties, which Johnson enacted nearly immediately when he assumed office, that touchy bit that just don’t seem to go away is the KKK, and committing the black Americans to the Washington Plantation, with continued promises to keep them locked to the Plantation’s poverty, while brain-washing them with the cost of a free cell phone.

The tearing down of any history of the civil war, is just the liberal globalist and RINO globalists agenda to turn America, however, not even Obama could remove a deep rooted American value of unity which is continually displayed in the time of crisis.  It is these times of crisis that real Americans come together and truly show what America is all about. 

Not the manufactured Obama American values.

God bless America, and God bless all those who are unselfishly involved in giving aid and comfort to those effected in the Gulf Coast Flooding, now and in years to come.

Thanks .... R.S. Helms


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