Mom of the Year takes back her son
True Heroine In The Midst Of Chaotic Madness
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By: R.S. Helms |
It is getting rather difficult to find the story within a
story that is worth writing about. The
“mainstream media” beat a news story to death, the battle is between liberals
and conservatives, which continue for hours, non-stop, with laser precession,
dissecting stories to meet their particular talking points – as politically
motivated, and therefore the truth is actually not that important.
Nonetheless, back to my talking point, which is the story of
the mother in Baltimore, who totally humiliated her teenaged son. She did this on video, and apparently, in
front of his friends, who were obviously as shocked as he was. This woman reached into the jaws of the beast
and snatched her son from immediate danger, and evil. Bravo woman you rock,
I first noticed this as part of a story on the riots, this
story yesterday did not carry a headline, and it was just a linked story in
another story. It happened the afternoon
before, just before the nightlong riots, nonetheless, it started making the
rounds in the social media by yesterday, then was hitting Fox afternoon shows,
by the time of the six o’clock news it had started to find mention, and a clip
of the video.
It was not news worthy at the time it happened, why? Not political enough? Alternatively, does the fact that the act of
taking ownership of your child, by whatever means, falls pale to the madness
unfolding before them. The political
look and news is the foremost thought, and the race to report it according to
the particular network slant.
Two days later, after a kickoff on ‘social media’ it is all
that the media is dissecting, analyzing, second guessing the mothers intent,
when the intent was first spoken she did not want her son to be Freddie Gray, I
don’t know that much about Freddie Gray, except he is a dead 25 year old black
man. That is a tragedy beyond
comprehension unless you are the mother, or a close family member, but the
mother suffers more than anyone else.
This mom, knew she did not want that suffering, nor for her son to be
Now it should at least make sense what I just said;
nonetheless, with the exception of a few shots of the funeral, and a clip of
the family, pleading for an end to the madness, little attention was on Freddie or his
family. No this was not about anything
but opportunity for the next generation of wannabe gangstas to go out on the
streets of their neighborhoods and pillage, vandalize, loot, and engage with
the police who, with the orders of the Mayor the police to “give them space
to destroy,” and in their madness reigned evil destruction on their own.
Yes, this brave mother recognized her own son “coming across
the street, wearing his hoodie, and a mask – I said, ‘oh no not you,’” and the
video told the rest of the story. The
story, although not admitted by the race baiters, the agitators, the enabler
race pimp charlatans, including the President of the United States, is all the
“entitlements, and “poverty programs” have not done anything but hurt the black
They do not care; they make promises targeted to the
impoverished black communities for votes and money. Of course, we have a white problem, one that
has been there as long as the history of slavery, not all were white slave
owners, there were black slave owners.
Where the spin is a lie, which only cloaked the delusion that the
conservatives, Republican, white Christian is racist. A strong delusion that keeps liberal and
liberation theology charlatans making millions for their coffers, and democrats
in votes. It is an evil delusion from
the pits of hell. We now have police who
are racists; we have police under the same delusion reacting to black on black
crime with brutish force.
At this point in time, we need to follow the example of this
brave mother, and reach into the mouth of the beast and take charge of our
children, if it takes a slap down to let them know the American subculture is
not going to twist the minds of our children, then it must be done. We need police departments to purge their
ranks of the police who, actually target young blacks because of a personal
agenda and sick racist minds. There is
no place in law enforcement for these racist, who operate under the delusion
that they can get away with killing and beating. This is no time to be listening to the
insincere jesters and speeches of the president and his sycophants.
We need to humble ourselves, and admit we have been living a
delusion from hell. Take back our
children and our values. Clean the plank
from our own eyes, and then in love, help our brothers and sisters remove the
speck from theirs. People, we need to
stop blaming someone or something else and put our own house in order, that we
can rebuild our nation. We need to
resurrect the Dr. King dream, and teach character and sound minds.
Yes, to me the mother in Baltimore represents such a
mindset. It is the right thing to
do. I still believe the police officers
involved, contributed to the death of Freddie Gray, and should be held
accountable. The police department is
obligated, especially in this pursuit and arrest, which was in all reports, was
an illegal arrest and without cause; to disclose the facts, without
jeopardizing the successful trial and conviction of the officer(s) in the
needless death of Mr. Gray.
This is not the fault of President Obama, this ‘stupid
thinking’ has been going on for decades.
This delusion from hell is reigning terror on our nation. True, President Obama, his ideologies, his
agenda has only made him culpable. His
lawless approach to governing is indicative of his claim to fame as a
“community organizer” in Chicago. Those
were the years he spent teaching the career welfare subculture how to game the
system, and used ACORN as an instruction agency. As to date, the black community has reaped a
cell phone. The nation has reaped
division on all fronts, and the ones who suffer the most are the ones who allow
their minds and lives to slave under a delusion. I cannot see many in congress, and the
administration who do not have any redeeming quality what so ever. Nonetheless, they keep the delusion in tack,
and continue to be re-elected. Mind you,
it is not just the liberal Democrats, but includes the progressive RINO
Republicans as well.
Folks we have a nation that is on the verge of destruction,
and unless we take heed to the example set by the terrified but brave, mother
in Baltimore, who slapped her son down, humiliating him in the face of his
friends; we may well slip into oblivion.
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