
A Government Environmentalist Experiment in Brainwashing Parents Through Children in North Carolina

A Government Environmentalist Experiment in Brainwashing Parents Through Children in North Carolina Reblogged this from Sultan Knish, on the Web   FYI

What's Bad for the Media is Good for America

What's Bad for the Media is Good for America   Reblogged by R.S. Commentary  ... Can't say I am supprised Now if they would just get rid of the Propaganda on the TV we would be in good shape.

A New National Security Strategy for America

Reblogged this on A New National Security Strategy for America
“If My People who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”       (2 Chronicles 7:14) Welcome to Prayer Warriors, and our first project.   It is really my project and I am inviting Christians to join me in a 30-day intercessory prayer project that’s what makes it “our project”.   A project of love, love for our nation as a free republic, love for our fellow Americans and the love and faith we have in our Lord.   He taught us that no matter how big the problem we face, in sincere faithful prayer all things are possible.   With the power and possibilities of sincere fervent prayer even restoring our nation and reviving biblical Christianity.   However, as I have said many times, one will not be fixed without the other being fixed.   God can and will fix both if enough of his people c...

Messages of Revelation

The Loveless Church We come to the First Church in the list of Seven, (Rev. 2:1 – 7), However, if you recall some of the introduction in chapter one, it is the Lord Jesus’ revelation to His servant John and in verse three, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” So, what does “is near” mean?   Well God knew just how long it would take Christianity to run its faithful and committed course and He didn’t make me or anyone privy to how long it would actually be until the end of its age and sufferings, of its persecution.   We do know that Jesus will come in the clouds and those who sleep in the Lord will rise first, then those of us who are still struggling along, will meet them in the air, in a twinkling of an eye.   That will be the close of the church age, when Christ collects His church. Chapter two verse l: -- 7: “To the angel of the church...
G uess Crow Tastes Rather Foul How do I write such disappointment in the way the “Republicans” have rallied and responded to the critical need to get out and vote?   Like my last post indicated: “You can stand in a garage, but that does not make you a Cadillac, and you can call yourself a Christian Patriot by that don’t make you a Patriot or a Christian.   what the voting is showing is that there is one thing for sure, we either have more socialist than ever thought or the Christian Patriots are more apathetic than they pretend to be. I am sure that there was a ton of voter fraud and rigged polling stations even hacked stations, otherwise, we would not have lost and that is a hard-studied opinion, (I’ll leave the evidence gathering to other, better equipped, smarter people than me).   I will have to live with a loss if indeed that is the case and try hard not to go burn down my neighborhood, although that is what the Democrats would do.   ...


The Americans for Limited Government Foundation released  a report  written by Natalia Castro that finds rampant abuse and inefficiency within the U.S. Civil Service. “In order to limit the government and drain the swamp, managers in the federal government must be able to fire poor performing employees on an expedited basis. Right now, the current system protects bad employees. What was supposed to be a merit system has turned into an entitlement system for insulated, unaccountable federal employees. To drain the swamp, we have to be able to fire the swamp,” Rick Manning, President of the Americans for Limited Government Foundation, said. Castro outlined the history of positive reforms that prevented employees from being hired and fired on a partisan basis. However, the increased influence of unions gave employees extraordinary protection. “In order for the American people to trust the effectiveness of the bureaucracy, protections were put in place to eliminate ...