
The World Will Hate You

The World Will Hate You… R.S. Helms   J esus told us in the gospel of John, (15:18) (“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you”).   There is several areas if concern, which I would like to address today.   First off, the lie which has been perpetrated against the United States for several decades, and at present is propagandized by the liberal left wing of the political spectrum and the President of our nation along with his minions and global citizenry brain washed spokespersons rendering Obama praises.   This is a Christian nation it was founded as such, continuously been such, and now it remains a Christian nation with a multitude of religions because they are guaranteed freedom to practice their faith as they see fit.   The intent of that First Amendment guarantee is that the government is forbidden to mandate a national religion.   So as a Christian, and a Southern Baptist Pastor (ret.), I am so happy to cl...
Thoughts of Today… R.S. Helms       Yesterday, I wrote a column on the worse situation that has cast a wicked shadow over Washington DC.   Therefore, it casts its shadow over the whole US and effects all of us.   I usually spend time going over two to three hundred emails, 50% of which are advertizements, even from current events news feeds, I go over the news headlines of four Web sites like MSN, Town Hall, Drudge Report, and Fox News.   Now being completely disgusted and feeling a tad ill, I go back to the Bible and my daily devotional.   This brings me back to earth and allows me to briefly go over Face Book and Tweeter, and see how things are going with my friends, looking with some anxiety for those who are encouraging and who I love and care for, I start the task of putting a meaningful column together for an occasional post. Last evening, I found a couple really profound and meaningful devotionals from Dr. Charles Stanle...
What the Prime Minister’s Speech Told Me     After reading some of the comments on the Netanyahu speech.   And what some of our democratic politicians said about Netanyahu brings me near a point of throwing up.   Things they said he said when he didn’t, and not once did he insult the intelligence of the U.S. as good ol’ “we have to vote on it to see what is in it”… Pelosi.   I noticed she took plenty of opportunities to show her true retched self, really a class act. And I think that Rand Paul, although standing and applauding, could have shown that he actually cared about what a real leader had to say about the danger this “bad deal” puts the nation that he loves, at least as a politician running for President, I know that because of that, I would rather vote for a RINO progressive.   His lame response showed he and Obama didn’t like Prime Minister or the speech or both. But all you spineless liberal anti-Christian anti-Jew; Islam lo...

Islam Radical Terrorism in Paris

Islam Radical Terrorism in Paris   First let me extend my condolences to the nation of France, the families, loved ones, and friends to those who were lost in the most horrific, determined attack on citizens and police in Paris; our prayers are with you as victims of this insane madness.   This is not an isolated “or act of extremism” and why our Secretary of State will not call it “Muslim terrorists” I think it is about time we stop with the political correctness and say what it is.   We need to stop mollycoddling Islam; after all, the editor was asked by the French President to stop printing the cartoons about Mohammad and not to antagonize the Muslim terrorists.   His reply, was “he will not live on his knees”… and that is just what the UN is after, as they are making yet another attack on free speech, and freedom of the press.   Our President who will do anything he can to mollycoddle the Muslim Brotherhood. The citizens of France, Engl...

A House Divided

A House Divided Jesus, at a point in His ministry and being harassed by the Pharisees, (as was normal) and when they seen what He was doing, they said “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, (Satan, or ‘Lord of the Flies’).  That is like the liberals of today, making accusations about conservatives and Christians without any fact or foundation, just to make someone look bad, nevertheless, Jesus points to the facts, then covertly accuses them, by way of their sons, of the very same thing in the form of a question, followed by a truism.      Matthew 12: 25b – 27.    v.25). “But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.  v.26).  “if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself.  How then will his kingdom stand?”  v....

Teach Us to Pray...

Teach us to pray… D uring one of the many times that I truly examine my relationship with the Lord, I often find that I am not measuring up to what I preach.  What I preach is, the necessity of a consistent maintenance of that relationship, what I find is my life and actions are not hitting the mark, the prize that is laid before me seems unattainable.  Too often the sin of omission overtakes us while we journey through this world.  It is too easy to get away from being Christ centered and slip to the world, and our human nature.  Point is without the intimacy in our relationship with God it will become an estranged relationship.  It is in times like these that when we ask, and don’t receive, it is because we ask amiss; ask over a broken connection.  Sin, can be either in action, or in apathy; that does not change the fact that sin is sin and alienates us from the intimate love relat...

Spirit of the Lord

Spirit of the Lord The congregation is singing quite well this morning I thought to myself, as I bellowed out the words to that praise chorus “Everlasting God”; the Sanctuary was about our normal Sunday morning crowd of about three or four hundred, so yes, I didn’t have to worry about people thinking about the old guy making an “awful”  noise to the Lord.  Being a retired Pastor, I always expect the Holy Spirit to show up, and perhaps in my expectancy it is easy for me to feel the presence of the Lord.  It has been that way since joining almost a year ago.  We have a church that allows the Pastor to preach the word, and many times it is what one may call “the state of the community”, and I like that because I know that all the problems we are having in our nation, and in the world will only be made easier with the yoke of Jesus. Mt. 11: 28—30 tells us about it… v.28)” Come to Me all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give...