
Showing posts from April, 2011

The Real Easter Miracle

 the Bible belt, and Christianity should normally be something expressed openly in the public forum, and covered by the local media, which it generally is on Saturday in the “faith and values” section, and on occasion given a respectable placement and coverage.   However, in the two years of residence this is a first outside of smaller coverage in the Saturday section for faith.   However, this year a plug for First Baptist West Monroe, ‘First West’ was included in the coverage on the front page.   There were other churches named and articles tagged to the front page exposure as well.   With all this happening, I almost forgot to continue to consider cancelling my subscription, to the paper and to the website for various reasons, one was the way they covered spiritual and Christian faith, along with the contributors to their ‘opinion’ page in the local section.   Then I came to my moment of reality and remem...

Why Write about Christianity and Politics

I have been asked, why I write about two subjects at the same time?   In the minds of those who ask, “religion” and “politics” are supposed to be separated.   When in fact, they mesh together like well machined gears, like a hand in a glove, like white on snow, and narcissistic on politician. I know the kick back, I will get from this blog and web page article, “this cracker is an old has been, who must be blind and senile, nearing the point of extinction, and needs to catch up to reality.”   Nonetheless, I still believe this is a Christian nation, as well as does the rest of the world outside of the boarders of our nation.   It is the most desired nation to live in the world.   It has more people, legal and illegal, trying to get in, than those who are trying to get out, more than any other nation in the world.   Christians fleeing from the persecution of a monarchy is what settled this nation and formed the very document that set us apart from other nati...

What is Christianity?

I have written several articles and blogs concerning, liberal theology, liberation theology, and some about the apathy of the Christian community.   During some research for a piece for my website, I found an article by John McArthur, concerning the “Lordship of Christ,” the subject prompted one of his books, “ The Gospel According to Jesus,” which is on my must read list now.   After reading several reviews, I am more aware of some of the problems facing the church today.   Salvation without the lordship of Christ, involves a tremendous watering down of the gospel and may well allow some souls to think they are heaven bound, and are actually going to hell.   And who will be accountable for that major blunder?   Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, and the work He did on the Cross of Calvary. There is no condition or circumstance that allows mankind to earn, buy, work, or weasel his way into eternal life in the presence of God...