
What We Learn From The Wise Men ... part 2

BY: R.S. Helms T he Story of the Wise Men, the Magi who traveled from the East, guided by a star, seeking the new born king of Israel, is a part of the Christmas story that has a variety of meaningful applications, just as the part of the Shepherds tending their flocks, and the story would not be complete without all the parts, it is sort of like a four-part play, being played on the stage of the world. Nonetheless, we have Wise men, who knew of the prophecies of the Israelites, and more so the prophecies concerning their coming king.   They searched the heavens for a sign, then, behold… a star appeared.   One that they had never seen before, and strangely far brighter than all the others.   Guess it was one of those “WOW!” moments that happen from time to time.   The gospel of Matthew records this story as follows: Matthew. 2:1-12 1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came t...
What We Learn From The Wise Men BY: R.S. Helms Part One My Pastor hit on a great sermon this morning that can be applied to our present condition of our Christian nation, the greatest nation in the history of our planet.   Although I will not use his sermon, what he said to us dealt more to the church and the individual; however, I do believe some of the points are appropriate for the Christian as well as non-Christian.   The parable manner of the teaching struck a chord with me and I hope it does with you as well.   I basically wrote this to post in the Black Robe Regiment, a website for Christian patriots and Christian clergy along with Christian lay people who care about this nation; just wish we all spent more time here but it is a definite challenge of time for much involvement, and yet it would perhaps be one of the best places to spend time.   Perhaps it is due to the general nature of multi-denominational, and several diff...

Agenda 21 is now AGENDA 2030: Addresses Chemtrails, Population Control, & The New World Order

Agenda 21 is now AGENDA 2030: Addresses Chemtrails, Population Control, & The New World Order

An American Fascism | Frontpage Mag

An American Fascism | Frontpage Mag This is a good read and worth the while ... click the link above thanks R.S. Helms

Obama and Disrespect of the fallen Students

Who Really Cares NOT Obama, his administration, liberals, RINOs, Media, ... Not even Fox I hope during this time, (more than a few days) that we can come together, at least in prayer, and humble ourselves before the Lord – confess our sin – and pray in His name, He will hear us and heal.   It is my prayer this evening for our loving God to, yes, forgive my sin, the sin of unrighteous anger, and contempt for those who show no true compassion, and heal the ravaged heart of my neighbors in the Northwest.   Heal the wounds on the bodies, which are suffering, and perhaps asking why this could happen?   And Lord bring same to those that will use this occasion to divide and accuse your people before your throne, because Jesus you have taught us not to bring such shame on ourselves, but nowhere have you told us not to put that humbling shame on those who follow the darkness of this world.   Receive home those who laid down their lives in martyrdom for your nam...

Just Stopped By...

Just Stopped By…   BY:  R.S. Helms   I just stopped by , while passing through this old world on my way to glory.  I am just a sojourner traveling through this old world, headed to a new place, a kingdom, which we really cannot conceive of its wonder.   True, I am for a while, a citizen of this once great nation; and great it can be again, if we invite the right leadership to influence our ways.   Unfortunately, most of the leadership at this point is under a strong delusion, an evil delusion, and although two powers have different means to get where they are going, where they are going is the same.   That same end that falls under an even stronger, more evil delusion and one that will bring devastation to our nation as a free republic one nation under God.   With three generations gently pushed toward believing that Satan does not exist, nor does hell, and if there really is a God, he is a God of love, and will not all...
  America—We Have A Problem…     BY: R.S. Helms     Remember the movie ‘Apollo 13’ the Astronauts found they had a big problem that would prevent them from landing safely...   There came a crackling noise, and a voice said “Huston… We have a problem”. I visualize a space vehicle orbiting our planet, and perhaps we call it ‘Social Civility’.   Listen close and you can hear that crackling, and almost the same message sent…   “America we have a problem”. This is not a movie of make-believe, but the reality of our present danger. American we have a problem; it is division, and hate.   It will destroy us as a free nation, and as the greatest nation on earth.   It seems as though we have reached a point of no safe harbor.   No landing site in site, we cannot make it.   We cannot make it doing the same thing repeatedly, hoping for a different outcome. That is insanity, and is exactly why we either give up...