
The Faithful Church

 The Church at Philadelphia – The Faithful Church.       We started this series with the church that lost its first love, and now with the sixth church we find the “Faithful church.”   As our text so indicates, it is a church of faithfulness, The more the reason to word search problematic words in the Bible to understand the intent and particular meaning; it does make a difference. The Book of Revelation, chapter 3:7—13.   Verse 7). “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.’   8). ‘I know your works, See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’   9). ‘Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and...

The Dead Church...

 BY: R.S. Helms The Dead Church  BY: R.S. HELMS                The Dead Church     The church at Sardis , the second that Jesus had no good thing to say, but a church that had enough people left in the congregation, who possessed enough genuine spirituality that life, (genuine Spirit filled life), was possible.   Revival was not a condition no longer attainable for this church, which, in Jesus’ words when speaking to the Pharisees, ‘like a whitewashed sepulchre, clean on the outside, but inside, full of dead men’s bones.’(My paraphrase). The church “appeared” to be vibrant and alive, but only a few left who were alive spiritually. Rev. 3:1—6… 1). “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write. These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars:   ‘I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 3). ‘Be watchful...

The Corrupt Church of Thyatira..

 By: R.S. Helms The church at Thyatira, the corrupt church.   Today there are a number of churches and denominations of the Christian faith that fall into this category.   This is one of the churches that some of the most corrupt Christians deny they belong.   Perhaps it is one of the reasons that some mainline denominations are losing people, and churches.   Part of the reason that so many millennials deny being Christian at all.   After all, Christianity has many houses, and not all of them are without fault.   Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor demonstrate two of seven have a problem; this could mean that two in every seven Christians have a problem. Rev. 2:18—29 … 29). “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write.   ‘These things says the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass.   19). ‘I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your work...

The church of compromise...

The Compromising Church...  By: R.S. Helms The Church at Pergamos (Pergamum) noted as the “Compromising” church. As belonging to a compromising church, or as compromising your intimate love relationship with Jesus, Lord and Savior, is doubtful what He would expect from us.   This article might put pressure on us as to examining our positional relationship to Christ.   What Theology does your church follow?   Could it be, Progressive, Liberal, or perhaps Liberation, maybe it is still Conservative, Orthodox.   Let us see, what Jesus has to say about our compromise?   Perhaps we are still fighting for the Authentic Christianity as built on the Petra, the mantle rock of Jesus, as He Himself intended.   Jesus the Son of God, God incarnate never changes, neither does His church.   Revelations chapter two, beginning with verse 12; (Rev. 2:12),    12). “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says ...
By:  R.S. Helms It may be a change to read about something positive, or at least as the Lord viewed the church at Smyrna.   This is a church, which may well reflect in the universal church, your local church, and of course, the church is people, it is a good standard to judge our personal spiritual position. The word Smyrna has as its root, the word myrrh is a substance that has the sweet smell and used in the making of perfume, incense, and medicine.   Smyrna was a beautiful city with rich farmland; and often referred to as the ‘crown of Asia.’   Nonetheless, it was also the center of Caesar-worship in Asia Minor; the infamous ‘golden street’ that ran from the harbor up to Mt. Pagos.   Along the way one passed by an imposing array of pagan temples to Cybele, Apollo, Aesculapius, Aphrodite, and Zeus.   Yet, there was a Christian church, which would only relate to the persecution that the Christians underwent.   It was the martyr Polyca...

The Church at Ephesus

The Church at Ephesus The Church at Ephesus   Perhaps, there are those Christians in the church today who have never heard about the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, (Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ to St. John; chapter 2 – 3), there are some so-called Christians that do not read and study the Bible on a regular basis, and some preachers seldom preach from the book of Revelation. Nonetheless, the book is a wonderful book of study for the Christian, and the seven churches may be used very effectively for a measuring gage in three aspects of your spiritual wellness, as an individual, as a church, and as the church universal.   The conditions, which Jesus addresses, cycle through the Christian church experience, as well as the individual relationship of Christians to Christ.   The church at Ephesus, its history of spiritual good works for the kingdom, and its fault.   2  Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith ...

Time to Remember

By: R.S. Helms W hen was the last time that you stopped to remember?   Funny, the older we get the worse our memory gets. We are like the Apostle Paul, in a way, only we find ourselves remembering the things we are supposed to forget, and forgetting the things we are supposed to remember.   Today is May 25, and the day set aside to “remember” those who died in military service to our country.   As I paused to think about all the men and women who have died making and keeping us free as a people.   Nonetheless, since 2008 and the Obama administration, it takes no rocket scientist to notice the administration and the liberal left has turned against the military and law enforcement, while advancing the cause of liberalism, Marxist socialism, Islam, Liberal and Liberation theology, not to mention the extreme division in nearly every aspect of our lives.   This administration has nearly destroyed the constitutional rights of American citizens by the use...