
Just Think'n Still

We have all agreed, (perhaps three or four of you) That what I have to say is actually relevant to things that matters… sometimes it is like writing to aliens in space and the signal just keeps going on forever.   Like the tree in the forest making a sound if no one is there to hear it.   Nevertheless, I just keep on sending the signal, and making a voice even if there is no one there to hear it, just on the chance it does make a sound. I am doing a study/opinion that I will post on my website, entitled “the tail wagging the dog”, and it will deal with our Republic being a democracy where the majority is supposed to rule.   That is until the liberal ideology of the minority should rule, gained prominence under the façade of “equality”… and any opposition to activists movements would be an affront to a minority’s civil right of equality… equality is in fact guaranteed under the constitution, if fact, it is equal opportunity, equal access, equal treatment u...

Mexican Soldiers Crossing US Border Proves Need for Border Security | Tea Party Patriots

Mexican Soldiers Crossing US Border Proves Need for Border Security | Tea Party Patriots This is the Arizona Death March, ... Now we have the Mexican Military trying to stare down our Border Agents, ah-c'mon, when is enough going to be enough?

If God Offends someone ...

What is important to you?  This “photo” was posted by one of my Facebook family, Terry Liner, who reposted it from one of his friends, I wanted to share it to more than just Facebook, and the blog is the way to do that.  A good post and a share request was enclosed so pass it on so you choose and thanks.

When was...

When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking and praying about Brian Terry and his family, about the other border agents that have died on duty?   Their families, need some answers, but Washington will not give them any.  Oh wow, they convicted a drug runner… more like a “gun runner”… but the top of the heap is Holder and Obama and our congress will not make them accountable… When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking about Benghazi and the brave Americans that gave their lives to the heathen Muslims.  Oh wow, they will convict some obscure Muslim who will think he will have his 70 virgins … but guess what that is a lie too. They are not waiting there for them… but Obama and Clinton will rot in their evil slim for their murders… but washing will not hold them accountable…  Nonetheless, I know the end of the story unfortunately, not everyone will enter into the Kingdom… I know that I know, it is ...

Beyond Disrespect..

Beyond Disrespect In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham asked the Lord to spare the city if he could find 50 righteous people. God responded to Abraham's plea "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all ...Genesis 18:16-33 The movie " Corpus Christi " is due to be released this June to August. It is a disgusting film set to appear in America later this year which depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theaters for a while. It's called "Corpus Christi" which means "The Body of Christ". It's a revolting mockery of our Lord. But we Christians can make a difference. That's why I am sending this e-mail to you. If you do send this around, we just might be able to prevent this film from being shown in Canada and America . Let's stand for what we believe and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior. Where do we stand...

Race hustler Barbara Lee exchange barbs with Bill O’Reilly | Conservative Firing LineConservative Firing Line

This is a great post, about this charlatan playing the race baiting race card again.  These phony black "civil rights activists" are all the same, just as the war lords of Africa two to three hundred years ago, selling their people into slavery for their own gain and should not be tolerated; no slave master should be, it is simply destroying the black culture.  It must end. Barbara Lee is another slave master.   Race hustler Barbara Lee exchange barbs with Bill O’Reilly | Conservative Firing LineConservative Firing Line

Allen West: The Slippery slope of Obama's constitutional contempt

Allen West: The Slippery slope of Obama's constitutional contempt This is an excellent piece, and one to consider... beware, some of the comments are very good but there is also a couple of trolls picking fights .... doing what liberal trolls do.. but the article is a good one to read.