God or HAARP?

07/29/2023 ~ R.S. HELMS ~ By: R.S. Helms … 7.28.2023 God or HAARP? R.S. Helms … Bob’s Opinion … Revised and edited … Every day I get around 125-175 emails, from people who follow my blog, or that I follow, Some write for various right-wing social news outlets, and some are even researchers and investigative journalists. We are not in close relationships other than exchanging opinions and research for connecting the dots between the cabals of the left and the Shadow Government, which is engaged in a fifty-year-old coup, now headed by a slimy demon, or in the least, a demon-possessed corrupt racist called Obama, the present Shadow President. Of course, if our black population that thinks he is “for black equality” really doesn’t know anything about Obama and his ilk, they are only using the black, the Hispanic, the Muslim, and even the poor and middle classes to chain them to the Washington D.C. Plantation, they would be as upset as...