Have You Considered HAARP? Bob’s Opinion … rshelms.com R.S. Helms – 11.04.2022 With the upcoming mid-term elections for 2022, now nearly here, the Democrats have nothing to campaign on, nothing positive for the American people. The double-down continuation of Obama Policies has been disastrous, and the 2009 Obama hate campaign, to start dividing the house as a house divided against itself cannot stand. In thirteen years, Obama has managed to divide every area of our meager lives, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic he wanted our obedience and our children, thus the vac issue, then mandating children get the jab. The border security has been a disaster, crime – out of control, naming white Christian male patriotic conservatives as ‘home-grown terrorists,’ parents attending schoolboard meetings as terrorists, mostly in relation to the moral standards of board policies, or the CRT and WOKE educators. Obama continues to abuse Joe Biden, Obama’s ...