Mom of the Year takes back her son

True Heroine In The Midst Of Chaotic Madness Mother reaches into the mouth of the beast and takes her son By: R.S. Helms It is getting rather difficult to find the story within a story that is worth writing about. The “mainstream media” beat a news story to death, the battle is between liberals and conservatives, which continue for hours, non-stop, with laser precession, dissecting stories to meet their particular talking points – as politically motivated, and therefore the truth is actually not that important. Nonetheless, back to my talking point, which is the story of the mother in Baltimore, who totally humiliated her teenaged son. She did this on video, and apparently, in front of his friends, who were obviously as shocked as he was. This woman reached into the jaws of the beast and snatched her son from immediate danger, and evil. Bravo woman you rock, I first noticed this as part of a story on the riots, thi...