Spirit of the Lord

Spirit of the Lord The congregation is singing quite well this morning I thought to myself, as I bellowed out the words to that praise chorus “Everlasting God”; the Sanctuary was about our normal Sunday morning crowd of about three or four hundred, so yes, I didn’t have to worry about people thinking about the old guy making an “awful” noise to the Lord. Being a retired Pastor, I always expect the Holy Spirit to show up, and perhaps in my expectancy it is easy for me to feel the presence of the Lord. It has been that way since joining almost a year ago. We have a church that allows the Pastor to preach the word, and many times it is what one may call “the state of the community”, and I like that because I know that all the problems we are having in our nation, and in the world will only be made easier with the yoke of Jesus. Mt. 11: 28—30 tells us about it… v.28)” Come to Me all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give...