
Showing posts from May, 2013

PB's Commentary: The Necessity of PovertyBy: R.S. Helms.Facts a...

PB's Commentary: The Necessity of PovertyBy: R.S. Helms. Facts a... : The Necessity of Poverty By: R.S. Helms. Facts are Facts While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book dealing wi...
The Necessity of Poverty By: R.S. Helms. Facts are Facts While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book dealing with the problems of addiction, alcoholism, and   homelessness, in the ghetto setting, with all the tentacles reaching into the already impoverished neighborhoods of our subculture, which traps and enslaves its people. Poverty affects all races, all religions, and all subcultures of the United States, however, when we address poverty, all minds turn to the African-American.  This is not because they are largest ethnic group in poverty, nor the largest ethnic group, the Hispanic has now taken number two spot.  (white non-Hispanic 64%; Hispanic 16%; Black non-Hispanic 12%; Asia 5%; Native American 1%).. it is impossible to get any sort of good figures on the percentages on poverty, not that there is not a lot of numbers available, but each group has their own set of numbers, depending on what cause they are following or who did the r...

Pleasing Islam

Preach in the truth and in the Spirit. Remove 'Son of God' you remove 'Holy' Most Christians hold fast to the authority of the Bible. Sound and basic Christian theology teaches, the Bible is God’s “specific and special revelation” one of the two means God reveals himself to mankind, the other being “general revelation” in which God reveals himself through nature, or the natural order of all that exists.  Special revelation was necessary because of the human’s sinful state, or human nature after the fall from a holy nature through disobedience of just one law or command.  The proper view of the Bible is it is “God breathed” which means God breathed out, not into, it is the divine product of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, upon human beings writing in their own styles and personalities, we may call it the superintending by the Holy Spirit, over the human writers. Giving them perfect recall of every detail, renderin...