
Showing posts from April, 2013

PB's Commentary: Where Are You?

PB's Commentary: Where Are You? : Where Are You? Stand Firm in the Faith  This blog may be considered an open letter to the Christian Church, (all-inclusive...

Where Are You?

Where Are You? Stand Firm in the Faith  This blog may be considered an open letter to the Christian Church, (all-inclusive), the universal church of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Collectively, that would mean all who are born again, regenerated, redeemed by Christ believer.  Whatever your relational position is with the Savior, only you can know.  It is time for us, (as professing Christians), to examine ourselves, instead of just going along with the flow of the world and the various forms of progressive religion, including those who are of false teachers; their motivation is of the world and not the Kingdom of God. I classify to whom I write this article because things of the spirit are not understood except by the Spirit.  That is why each individual born into this world, is born with a “measure of faith that they may first believe.”  To the non-believer to read this would be a total waist of time, because you will not understand what I ...

PB's Commentary: Evil visited Boston ...

PB's Commentary: Evil visited Boston ... : Evil visited Boston R.S. Helms  First, our prayers go out to the i...
Evil visited Boston R.S. Helms  First, our prayers go out to the injured victims, and the families who lost loved ones in this cowardly act of evil On Tuesday afternoon, the world viewed the aftermath of evil, the detonation of two bombs in a crowd gathered for the running of the Boston Marathon.  As we watched the horrific seines run repeatedly, we also heard the TV commentators repeatedly tell the story of the mayhem that was unfolding before them.  reminding us that the person or persons responsible have not been identified, the devices are not identified, and in all the confusion;  didn't  know if there was a third blast connected to the Marathon. The sports reporters and their camera crews covered the initial coverage of the bloody carnage, and after some confusion and recovery from the initial shock, they did an excellent job.  The commentary from the sports reporters wa...