Stealing any peace in the aftermath of a carnage
Saturday brought senseless tragedy to Tucson Arizona; it would do us well to think about all of those that this carnage brought such suffering. Not just one, because she was a well loved member of congress but her staff member, a federal Judge, a couple of regular everyday ladies out to speak to their representative, a little girl of nine, there to see her champion. Christina Taylor Green --- Dorothy Morris --- Phyllis Schneck --- Gabriel Zimmerman --- John Roll --- Dorwan Stoddard, the six who died in the impersonal Safeway Parking lot or at the nearby hospital. The fourteen others who were wounded and the rest who were left traumatized because of what transpired in only a few seconds. It only took a few seconds for a deranged lunatic to wreak havoc and commit carnage, which to most people, is unimaginable. As to that young man, I do not hate him for what he did, justice will be served, if we are sure to cross all the T’s and dot the I’s, and he has one of t...