The ambitious presumption of what God wants
The ambitious presumption of what God wants, can lead to ruin in every corner of our lives and eventually our faith. There have been good churches, which are growing and doing fine, they invest in the community outside the church, as well as the members of the congregation. However we cut it, one thing must remain foremost in the mind of each individual and that is doing the will of God not the will of man as it is in my own understanding. At one point in time, it was godly ambition that moved the church forward, and it was a time when being a Christian was popular. Now being Christian is no longer popular, and political correctness has went to the forefront of social popularity. Churches have slowly moved from what is righteous in the eye of God to the what is acceptable in the eye of the social environment. The enticement of growing larger churches have set in action a tidal wave of user friendly churches to meet the demand of ...