
Showing posts from May, 2018


We Need Another Great Awakening Reblogged on R.S. Helms Commentary from WOW! Magazine Is Jordan Peterson the avatar of a 21st century Great Awakening? by Bookworm The Jordan Peterson event I attended was a "happening" that made me think Americans are craving a spiritual Great Awakening that will bind us as a nation. For some time now I have had running through my brain the thought that America needs a Great Awakening along the lines of the First Great Awakening in 1730s and 1740s. Large segments of America are suffering from spiritual malaise. America's inner cities are in a state of despair and disrepair, plagued by high crime, high poverty, missing fathers, and a general sense of apocalyptic failure. The inner cities, though, are only the most visible symptom of a nationwid...

FDA all it takes is good management

FDA GOING IN RIGHT DIRECTION FDA vs Experimental Stem Cell Drug lawsuits, investigations, and online ads   By Uriel | May 10, 2018 | Dept of Justice (DOJ) , DOMESTIC ISSUES: , Donald J. Trump , Drug Use , Food & Drug Admin (FDA) , Health President Trump’s choice for FDA Commissioner was Dr. Scott Gottlieb. He was no stranger to FDA nor the inner workings of the field of medicine having acted in several capacities over the years in the field and in government. His qualifications were impressive as well as extensive and involved government work as well, not even the liberals could object to much about him. According to MedCity News on December 26,2017 the man hit the office at high-speed to help get the backlog and procedures out of stasis to process applications faster and improve investigative procedures. “Dr. Gottlieb’s first year as FDA Commissioner, he has chaperoned the agency through a blockbuster ...