Aurora Colorado Tragedy in the City

Aurora Colorado Tragedy In The City Aurora Colorado is a decent sized city, which butts up against Denver to the East and South, and in most part, it is an average city of 325,000 plus residents. The average age of 33.2 yrs. sets it as a younger wage earner community and caters to that age group. With several golf courses and 24hr, fitness centers a dozen or more coffee shops, an abundance of k-12 schools, an adequate number of hospitals, and a police department that could be larger but adequate. Crime is not going rampantly out of control, but Aurora has its share of murders; 7.1 per 100,000 residents; and three of the three death row inmates in Colorado, are from Aurora. In all accounts, Aurora Colorado is a tame community situated just a stone’s throw from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, which provide a grand vista of snow capped mountains and foothills giving way to the prairie where...